SOTD Sat. 4th May to Fri. 10th May 2013 ...

antdad said:

Great looking brush, is that a TGN knot or one of Neep's own?

Cheers Tony! It's one of his extra stuffed, I think, it was part of another project we had and an extremly nice bonus from Rod, so I don't have all the specs straight, but I'm happy as a pig in mud ;D

Prep: Hot Shower
Brush: Neep 28mm Extra Silvertip in Kenya Soapstone
Soap: MWF
Razor: Gillette New Short Comb with custom JEC handle
Blade: Gillette SuperThin
Balm: Barbershop Bay Rum

First use of this handle, which as you can see is very short, but has quite a bit of weight to it. It makes the razor quite nimble and also quite aggressive. I think a more gentle head will be required next time, and one less fussy about angle.

An excellent shave with no blood loss though so all good

Prep: Face Wash w/ Glycerine Soap and Cold Water
Soap: D.R. Harris Windsor
Brush: Shavemac 177 Silvertip
Razor: Shimmed Feather AS-D2
Blade: Personna Med Prep (4)
Post: Thayers Cucumber WH, Weleda ASB
EdT: Lalique Hommage a l'Homme

Feather AS-D2 with a shim shaves as close as my Weber, but much much smoother. Very enjoyable and irritation-free shave
D R Harris Arlington shaving cream
Henk walnut silvertip
Schick M adjustable with Trac II blade
Tobs Mr. Sidney a/s (thanks again to Gairdner)

Really nice shave after 31 hours of growth. Dialled the razor up to Max for the first pass and no burn and no tugging. Got a presentable if not smooth finish after this pass but did two more at 3 and 1 respectively and got partial BBS.

Mr. Sidney was the only aftershave which really stood out for me and my fickle moods. Superb.

I think the blade is slowly tapering off now. I only have four left of these (and only ever had five) and wish i had more.
Pre: Santa Maria Novella.
Cream: La Toja
Alum/Witch Hazel
Razor: Custom Kamisori - Koraat​

I'm still getting used to holding a kamisori - only the 3rd time I used one. This custom made blade is superb. I don't often go for a third pass but was enjoying this so much I just had to. Fantastically smooth and (mainly) irritation free shave.

Haven't done one of these for a while.

I received a late Christmas present of a gift voucher for The Bath House Shop. I dropped it all on some Spanish fig and nutmeg shaving gear.

- Spanish fig and nutmeg shave oil
- Spanish fig and nutmeg shave soap
- Le Tuft Heavy Metal Brush
- BRW Bull Mastiff with a NEW head and a Gillette superthin
- Spanish fig and nutmeg aftershave balm
- Spanish fig and nutmeg cologne

I smell like a spanish fig rolled in nutmeg. Nice.

I haven't seen The Bath House Shop shaving products mentioned on here. However they're real quality gear, and the Spanish fig and nutmeg are some of the best smelling shaving products I've used.

All available here.
3 day stubble to give new razor a workout.

Hot shower
Trumpers limes skin food pre
Speick cream
Webber shiny on classic handle
Iridium Super NOS (1)
New Forrest 2211 Silver Tip
Tesco Mortar Bowl (£8, white ceramic not too heavy) a bargain!
Aqua Velva Ice Blue

True BBS shave today. 3 passes with a few touch ups. The shave was made that much sweeter as almost all the above components were the results of trades/gifts and swaps from the true Gentlemen that lounge in these rooms......

I think the Weber has seduced me....... Mulligano, don't read this!

daz said:
First use of this handle, which as you can see is very short, but has quite a bit of weight to it.

I modelled on myself mate, short and fat and chunky!:icon_razz:

Picture Daz?

Prep: Hot flannel and Prep cream massaged into beard
Brush: Semogue 1305
Soap: Klar Kabinett - suribachi lathered
Razor: Henckels Henso
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium
Balm: Witch hazel and IK balm
Cologne: JPG Le Male

Decided to go for long, luxurious shave this morning. A good blade and razor combo, I'm liking the Henckels a lot after only two outings.

You are forgetting we have met, unless you have had a bad accident with that Feather, 14 stone is a bit, well let's just leave there mate :icon_razz::icon_razz:

Think Virgin's licking the stubble from your face Michael......... :icon_razz:

But don't take my word for it ;-)
Saturday's Rasp
  • Gillette English New w/BiC
  • Hand-carved Ash Boar
  • MEM Olive
  • Witch Hazel
  • Barbershop Bay Rum
  • Astral
  • Mr Taylor's Cologne
Eight out of ten. Nae bad at all and that MEM Olive cream is lurvely stuff!