SOTD Sat 30th Mar - Fri 5th Apr 2013

In a hurry this morning.

Prep: Hot Shower
Cream: TOBS Grapefruit
Brush: Muhle synthetic fibretip
Razor: Gillette New with iKon Bulldog handle
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge

Forgot the balm, been regretting that most of the day.

First use of this brush, my first synthetic. I'm quite impressed, it feels very soft on the face, but generated an excellent lather. I face lathered this morning as normal.

Good shave, shame I forgot the balm, a nice bit of Bay Rum would have made all the difference.

Hot shower for prep, followed by a lovely face lather with a JEC brush and Nannys Tea Tree and Aloe Vera Soap. Shaved off with a Jaques Coudert Celunic Special. Needed a couple of wee touch ups round the chin with a gillette tech but all in all a very satisfying shave. Finished off with a rather large splash of Old Spice and a nip of Jura in front of the wood burner, I am a happy man:icon_biggrin:


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Today's Shave

GEM Blade
TOBS Sandalwood Shaving Cream/ Geo.F.Trumper SkinFood mixed in
Kent Reknoted Brush
Oldspice cologne

Results BSS WTG

Normally I wouldn't even think about using TOBS with a GEM Razor but this razor is a walk on the mild side IMHO not the closest shave but a comfortable shave :)
No photo as I'm away this week.

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: TV Rocket
Brush: Dickinson and Gilroy travel brush
Blade: NOS Scottish Perma-Sharp
Soap: Arko
Post-Shave: Alum
A/S: Homemade "Jameson" batch followed by Perfume Parlour's Vetyver

OK shave, a bit rushed since I was having to check out. The brush is great!
Proraso pre
Duke 2 Best Badger
Speick Shave Stick
Gillette 1966 Slim (#7)
Gillette Yellow 7oc (2)
Thayer's Superhazel
Cade ASB


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Good morning Gentlemen and my best wishes for April!

-Bengall 13/16"
-Omega 48
-Taylor of Old Bond Street Eton College After Shave Lotion

Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Vie-Long
Razor Duble Duck Special no 1
Cream: Penhaligon's Endymion
AS: Stratos
Strops: Neil Miller
Result. Uberclean :D

You need to be careful with this blade, took a fantastic edge, but it will bite you if you don't treat it with respect (like most smaller razors, for me anyway) :D

... and I'm so happy we finally moved over to summer time, day two of Swedish summer time and I give you our back yard from today:
Not shaved for 4 days as I was away with family
Preshave : hot bath with wrights coal tar soap

WTG pass:
Razor : vintage brass ball handled gillette open comb
Blade : palm stropped derby extra (third shave?)
Soap : palmolive shave stick
Brush : men - u boar brush

ATG pass :
Razor : gillette aluminium handled tech
Blade : brand new palm stropped derby extra

Post shave : cold water and E45 cream

Not quite BBS, but still a DFS. Glad to be clean shaven again
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso pre-shave
Soap: MWF
Brush: Semogue 830
Bowl: Steve Woodhead Pedestal Bowl #2
Razor: Merkur 37c Slant
Blade: Rapira Stainless (1)
After: Alum, Superdrug Forest Fresh AS, Tabac ASB

Leisurely shave today with lashing of smooth MW Fat. The Slant behaved as usual without complaint even during a few extra bank holiday buffings. Not sure about the Rapira blade; it didn't actually cause any irritation but I think I still prefer Gillette Green/Yellows.
Tabac makes my face smell & feel like an old leather armchair; comfy.

Easter Monday 1st April 2013
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Micromatic OC
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Vulfix 406 Boar
Soap: Wilkinson Sword Stick grated into a container
Aftershave: Floid Balm

A perfect OCMM shave.


Prep: hot shower + Castle Forbes pre-shave
Blade: Super Iridium (3rd shave)
Razor: iKon open comb deluxe
Cream: Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet bowl lathered
Brush: Edwin Jagger medium silver tip
Finish: V cold rinse then witch hazel and then some Nivea balm.

I don't think I have a coarse beard but I rarely get more than 3 shaves out of any blade and today I had quite a bit of razor burn under my jaw line and down my neck. The balm helped but an hours walk with the dogs across blustery fields seems to have helped even more!

Tabac soap
Semogue SOC Boar
Tech/Weber Bulldog
Witch Hazel
Blue Stratos AS
Nivea Anti irritation ASB

Another nice shave from this razor and blade combo.
dodgy said:
... Here's a few related links:

Your buddy,


I'm not saying that he's gay, or you for that matter, but he does have a certain way of moving those hips while watering the flowers. Okay, so the term "leathernecks" aren't related to your mountain folks then, check that!
This morning:

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Thiers-Issard "basic black", 11/16"
Brush: Neep #1145 onyx chess pawn 26mm extra silvertip
Soap: Prof Blighty's Peppermint
Aftershave: Prof Blighty's Yellow Ginger
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