After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

vintage rebranded Macys 1964 silvertip flopmeister
Schick F type/Schick Plus Platinum (NOS)
RL Safari SS (great vintage stuff)
Neutrogena oil free moisture
Givenchy 'Xeryus' EdT (vintage juice)

BBS results,

Omega 48
Palmolive Stick
Palmolive Cream
Merkur 34C HD
Polsilver (4)
Nive ASB

Was trying to decide what to use today and thought I'd give a bit of a superlather a try.
Primed the brush by doing a small bowl lather with palmolive cream and then face lathered with that in top of the palmolive stick I'd rubbed on my beard.
Was ace, 4 smooth passes and a great result.
Definitely doing that again.
AoS Pure Badger
Schick E-2
Chick (3)
MK Sport cologne
Have fun!
Pre: Shower
Soap: TOBS Sandalwood
Brush: Omega 48
Razor: Gold Dollar 66
Post: Witch Hazel and Fine American Blend

I have a love/hate relationship with this brush. I want to love it, but I hate it at the mo. It just doesn't hold any lather. I've soaked it and soaked it, given it the hairdryer treatment, lathered it countless times, roughed it up a bit more on a towel etc. all in an attempt to 'break it in', but it still holds no lather and I have to reload it between passes. Yes, I give it a good 10-15 minute soak before use and yes, I'm definitely using enough soap and water (at least, I'm pretty sure I am). But I'll keep going until it's broken in.
Also, this is my first shave with a folding straight. I won it in a raffle on a FaceBook group. I still have all my skin left and no blood loss, so I'll take that as a success.
I have a love/hate relationship with this brush. I want to love it, but I hate it at the mo. It just doesn't hold any lather. I've soaked it and soaked it, given it the hairdryer treatment, lathered it countless times, roughed it up a bit more on a towel etc. all in an attempt to 'break it in', but it still holds no lather and I have to reload it between passes. Yes, I give it a good 10-15 minute soak before use and yes, I'm definitely using enough soap and water (at least, I'm pretty sure I am). But I'll keep going until it's broken in.

I feel your pain! Going through exactly the same thing with my 48. I think it's getting better, I hope it is just the breaking in process.
A great shave with The Bunny this morning :)
Shave report over on the "New injector"-thread.

I just read your thread..Its got a bigger head & It took me a moment under the nose an All..You just need to push it right up there..I have nicked my beak a couple of times..As far as cleaning it goes just take the comb off to rinse it ..Job done..You don't need to touch the blade..:p




Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Rolls Razor
Rolls Wedge Blade NOS
Kent Pure Badger
Monsavon Bol Tallow Soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

As I mentioned above I just got the Rolls this Morning..I just had a 3 Pass shave with it tonight & ended up with the Dolphin Smooth BBS Shave of my Life..Here is the thing..I sharpened this NOS blade by Stropping it outwith the Rolls System just to Demonstrate how easy it should be to get one of these blades shave ready if its in good condition & not been damaged by oxidisation or been neglected..I know what some folks may be thinking..Billy just got an NOS Rolls today that's never been used..Well..That was one of the reasons why I never used my Rolls System to get this blade shave ready..:confused:

I used some tape as you can see above because there isn't a stropping handle that Fits this blade..I stropped it 30 Laps a side on the Nylon side of the strop & then a further 70 Laps a side on the Leather..Bobs Your Uncle..It was as Simple as That..The Point being its the condition of your blade that is important here when you purchase one of these..NOS or Not..You can get an NOS Blade with a Rolls & it still might need more work than I got away with here because of Oxidazation Damage or Neglect..It might need the Bevel reset outside the System as I have mentioned in this Thread above..:p

If your fortunate enough as I was today then you should have your Blade up & Running within a very short period of time indeed..I could have got this blade ready within the Rolls System after some Minor Restoration Work to the Hone & Strop Pads but this will only happen if you have a decent blade & that is my whole point here..I hear a lot of folks saying that they cant get their blades sharp enough..That's only because it needs further restoration before you even start to use the Rolls System..Your blade needs honed outwith the System if that's the case..If you cant get your blade just about shave ready as I did today then the chances are that the Rolls System wont bring it back..o_O

You don't need to do what I did today of course if you have a Functional blade..Your Rolls Shaving System will suffice but only if your blade is in excellent condition..I have mentioned this before & I am going to mention it again..;)

The Rolls System was designed to maintain a shave ready blade..Not necessarily to get it shave ready..This is a common misunderstanding.. :eek:

Moreover..You also need to purchase a Rolls with both pads in excellent condition & you need to restore them as I have mentioned earlier in this thread..In short Don't try to cut corners when purchasing one of these..At the Current prices its even Affordable to buy a couple of them to get what you need & put a good one together..I hope I have shown today how easy it should be to get one of these up & running..If you do find that you need to get a blade Honed outwith the System Don't let that put you off..Just send it to someone that can do that for you & your Rolls System should be able to maintain it Indefinitely..:D

I just read your thread..Its got a bigger head & It took me a moment under the nose an All..You just need to push it right up there..I have nicked my beak a couple of times..As far as cleaning it goes just take the comb off to rinse it ..Job done..You don't need to touch the blade..:p


Yeah as far as the cleaning goes I think my mistake was to not rinse the soap off immediately after the shave. The soap residue I had to clean away this morning had been sitting there for over two days.
2nd March 2016

Bulldog Face Wash
RazoRock Tobacco #1
Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Face Lathered
Gillette Guard (5)
One Pass - WTG


Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Novaya Zarya Russian Forest Cologne
Homage to Amouage Interlude Attar (Wrists)
Pinaud Eau De Quinine Hair Tonic​
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