Today's Shave

Gillette ballend tec (1958)
Feather Blade
Nanny's lemon shaving soap
Simpson Chubby2 Best Badger
4711 for aftershave splash
Geo.F.Trumper Sandalwood Skinfood

Results BSS WTG
Had my first properly enjoyable shave today (as in not overthinking technique, angle etc), and without immediately apparent irritation on my neck.

Hot Shower
Feather blade (1st shave)
The Traditional Shaving Company Best Badger
TOBS Sandalwood Cream
TOBS Sandalwood Aftershave Balm

After trying a Derby and a Gillette Yellow prior to this shave with the feather, I think the key to avoiding irritation on my neck is definitely a sharper blade and fewer passes. Makes me think I might prefer a more aggressive razor. Well, I have a Gillette Old Type on the way, so I might give that a try...
Semogue 208 shaving brush / Tabula Rasa Steampunk shaving soap / Wade & Butcher straight razor / Proraso aloe e vitamina E aftershave balm

I think the key to avoiding irritation on my neck is definitely a sharper blade and fewer passes. Makes me think I might prefer a more aggressive razor.

That was my thinking too. Deffo prefer aggressive razors that get the job done with minimal passes.

R41s are cheap enough, or you could even get an R41 head that should fit your EJ handle (probably only save a fiver though).

Never, ever, thought I'd be a fan of aggressive razors until I tried one. Just goes to show, it's worth giving everything a try. Apart from Morris Dancing.
SOTD 2/3/16
Hot Towel, Phoenix & Beau "Citra Royale", Body Shop Synthetic Brush, Merkur 39c, Astra SS (4), Cold Towel

Well, what can I say? The equipment used is familiar, so nothing specific to write here, apart from the soap. This is hot off the press soap, delivered yesterday, and used first time today. The lather is rich and dense, and whips up a storm in a shave bowl. It's quite thirsty so bare that in mind during preparation. The scent in the bowl is simply exquisite, strong punchy lime breaks through that natural woody aroma and simply lifts the spirits at 5:15am. When applied to the face, the scent is there, but doesn't impose itself so as to be unpleasant, a great touch. There is more glide here than you'll ever need, and just the right amount of cushion against the blade. The most important part for me is the ability to finish a shave with nothing more than a cold towel and be done. This soap allows that to happen without so much as a whisker of doubt. My skin is BBS, non irritated, not tight, not feeling the slightest bit like it's just had a sharp blade dragged across it by a barely functioning neanderthal. So there we have it, simply sublime shaving was had this morning.

Wed 2nd March.
Omega 11137 Boar
Lea Classic Soap
ER 1912 [ USA ]
Gem S/S [ 5 ] + 1/2 Spine Shim
Alum Rub/ Floid Vigoroso

This Razor was much smoother than the British Version used yesterday. In fact the shave was quite enjoyable, and without effort was able to get a very good close shave all round.

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Semogue OC Boar
Gem Clog Pruf
Gem blade
TOBS Mr Taylor's AS
Nivea Creme

Great shave to whip away a couple of days stubble. Squeaky clean!

Prep: Shower
Razor: Futur on 6
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge (yellow)
Bowl: Executive Shaving oak bowl
Brush: Kent Infinity
Cream: Simpsons unscented
Post: Cold water splash

Quick, efficient shave, 2 pass, minimal touchups, BBS, no nicks (I never do anyway), but a touch of razor burn and tightness post-shave. I'm not liking these 'yellows' as much as I did initially, they're harsher than I remember. Different batch probably from my original samples.

Wednesday 2nd March 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: Ikon BI Slant
Blade: Treet Durasharp Carbon
Brush: Semogue OC 2 Band
Soap: Vitos Extra Super
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Miller Harris La Fumee

My second shave with this razor and it certainly, for me, works better with the sharper Treet Durasharp then with my favourite blade the Treet 'Black Beauty'. It seems to me that the black carbon Treets work better with more aggressive razors especially those with bigger blade gaps ie the Merkur 37c Slant. The blade gap on this razor looks large to the eye but what you are seeing is the gap between the comb and the razor blade tray rather than the actual blade gap.

I do find it a little strange that there is little sensation of cutting with this razor, little if any noise and little feeling of bristles being cut; perhaps that is a good thing but as a mainly SE user it does feel quite odd.


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