SOTD Sat 14/07/12 - Fri 20/07/12

Re: RE: SOTD Sat 14/07/12 - Fri 20/07/12

Gingerpose said:

Music: Dream Theater. Perhaps not the wisest choice, I shall stick to my Grieg in future. Less hectic.

Might call for a bit too much concentration, yes - I rarely listen to DT in the car for just that reason.
Prep 1 : Edwin Jagger facial exfoliant
Prep 2 : Edwin Jagger hydrating pre shave lotion
Cream : Edwin Jagger synthetic bristle
Razor : Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley chrome
Blade : Gillette 7 O'clock green
Post : Edwin Jagger Aloe Vera post shave balm

An all Edwin Jagger shave, apart from the blade. Mild but good. The only slight problem is if the hydrating pre shave lotion leaves a slight residue on the shaving brush, but it does rinse out.

What's doin buddy,

Sounds like that blade is a sorta mixed bag for you so far. I know I wouldn't want to try one in an aggressive razor, seeing as how they approach a Feather for sharpness. Using it in an adjustable dialed to 7&9 would be unthinkable for me.

Speaking of that, I saw your three different settings during that shave. Now that's a kinda odd thing......the order I mean. i notice other guys who start out high and then back off for the later passes, but I don't understand why.

To me, starting low and gradually raising the bite is part of the whole reduction thingy. In my mind, it's gonna be the most comfortable shave and also probably the closest by leaving the most aggressive setting till last. Otherwise, it's kinda like starting with an AGT pass first, if that makes sense.

Heh, should be interesting to hear how the Personna 74 injector blade works out.

Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Simpson, Chubby 3
Razors: Perpouxe-Cognet from Tiers in France + GEM Junior from USA (for the head)
Super lather: Dr Harris, Almond + Proraso
AS: La Toja Manantalies
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Doom and face are very, very clean

English Ever Ready 1912 SE
GEM SE blade (1)
Simpsons Eagle 3 3-band
Tabac stick (face lathered)
Witch hazel
Castle Forbes AS balm
Lavandra cologne

My first 'proper' go with an SE after my initial experiment with the 'glass scraper' blades that came with the razor (they were, erm, interesting).

Nice and close, though a few nicks with had to be attacked with the styptic pencil.

I can see why these have such a good rep. It really is an effortless shave.
To continue a French theme a little bit:
Hot/Cold shower with L'Occitane rose soap
Proraso pre/post
GEM Micromatic bullet tip
M&F blonde badger
Martin de Candre soap with a drop of argan oil and neroli EO
Taylor's AS
Institut Karite ASB

Nice and smooth BBS.
Re: RE: SOTD Sat 14/07/12 - Fri 20/07/12

I've found that my stubble is very wiry and grows quite quickly. A high setting first I think reduces more hair more easily to then allow me a closer shave without any scraping once I dial down.
With the 74 I could get a close shane without any irritation I reckon, but I like a CLOSE shave. Now that you mention it it does feel as sharp as a Feather but I don't get weepers with the 74.
Good morning friends!

PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
BRUSH: 23 mm Shavemac, Finest Badger ("Gut rasiert" forum shaving brush 2011)
SOAP/CREAM: Mama Bear's Caribbean Glycerin Shave Soap
SCUTTLE / BOWL: Fitjar Lathering Up Shaving Bowl
RAZOR: 6/8" HartSteel BG, Satin, Quarter Ground, Square Point, O-1 steel (w/ blue silicon scales)
STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #60000
SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG/XTG
AS: Floïd (Spanish)
RESULT: Great shave, BBS

Have a nice week,
EJ Pre shaving cream
Merkur Bakelite 45C
Gillette 7 O'clock green
SWK XL Scuttle
Semogue 1470
Proraso white
Proraso lotion
Nivea revitalising mix with proraso Balm
Pre - Arko
Brush - G.O.S.H Heritage (limited edition)
Soap - Tabac
Razor - Muhle '11 R41
Blade - Feather
A/S - Boots Witch Hazel gel followed by Tabac A/S lotion
GFT Coral Skin Food
TOBS Eaton Cream
EJ89 Astra Blade
Liz Earle ASB

Nice Sunday morning shave. Last day for the Astra,something new tomorrow.
Aqueous cream
Klar Kabinett
Gillette Open Comb New, 1930s with Personna '74 (3rd shave)
Proraso pre and post shave cream as post-shave

Very close but very very very sore. Didn't try to get super-close although by the third pass it was. Struggled with the lather of the KK again; the first lather is always worse so probably is the aqueous cream pre-shave.