SOTD 13th - 19th October

Friday 19th October

Hot Shower and facial scrub
Proraso Pre/Post Shave cream
Revisor 6/8 in Horn
Neep #1265 - Briar Burl Resin 26 x 47 in Extra Silvertip
Tea Tree, Peppermint and Aloe Vera Toner
Kiehl's Ultimate ASB
Selkin Lemon Cologne

The Neep brush arrived this morning. After a quick wash and dry I decided to give it a spin.Very impressive. The height of luxury with enough backbone due to the short loft.

3 pass BBS.
Godrej Rich shaving cream
Red Tip with Schick Premium
Arko Classic cilt besleyici yagli krem (oily skin nourishing cream)

Many thanks to Canuck for kindly sending me the shaving cream and blade samples.

Not a great blade. Although it initially felt smooth there was a fair bit of irritation and it wasn't sharp enough. Bit like modern Wilkinson Swords.

Godrej is a nice cream. Lathers really well from a tiny amount (about 5ml). The smell of this one isn't unpleasant but gets very strong when lathered and does have slightly cleaning product smell. I have a lime one coming soon.
Razor - Filarmonic SubCero #12
Strop - 3" Snake, Shell Cordovan & Genuine Linen Hanging Razor Strop
Prep - Hot Towel, Palmolive S/S
Brush - 'The Beast' (Chubby 3 Manchurian)
Soap - MWF
Cold Rinse/ Witch Hazel/ RazoRock Aftershave Wax

'The Beast', MWF and the Fili .. what a fantastic shave
Funny old day. First time in a while I've shaved without having a shower immediately beforehand so I gave the hot wet towel treatment a go. A wee delivery in the post changed my mind as to which razor to use today.

Myatt Daymark aluminium large comb head with JEC Big Rocket custom handle
Rapira Swede blade
Jagger super badger medium
Cella (thanks to Halk :D)
Barbershop Bay Rum
Astral cream
TOBS Mr Taylor's Cologne

I like to buy British made products simply out of a desire to support our own manufacturing industry and independent makers but the Cella was just so good that it may have to become a permanent part of my rotation. Don't even like marzipan! That razor head looks like something out of a Victorian-set horror film, the sort of thing Sweeney Todd may have had if DE was around at the time. Chunky, unorthodox and aggressive but I took it easy and had a grand shave.
This morning:

Prep: Face wash, Imperial Leather bath soap, cold
Razor: Taylor Eye Witness, 5/8", in (imitation) ivory
Brush: New Forest High Mountain Badger
Cream: Taylor's Violets
Aftershave: Prof Blighty's Rosewood
Scent: Trumper's Sandalwood

Great, great razor.
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