Soaps and creams - how many shaves?

I've 3 on the go plus a few samples. That'll likely go up to 5 in regular rotation, but I'll attempt to limit myself to those 5 with samples piquing the interest and directing me where to go next.
I think I got into the 20's very quickly and soon realised how ridiculous it was and reduced back by using them up far quicker than probably necessary, or selling/pifing here.

Now down to these;

TOBS: Shaving Shop, St James, Mr Taylor's, Eton College, Jermyn Street
T&H: 1805, Trafalgar
GFT Coconut
DR Harris Arlington
Castle Forbes Lime
Some nice homemade lemon sherbert scented soap made by the girlfriend of someone here that I once bought a 39C from.

In fairness, that's still 12 and probably needs to drop to 8. The lemon stuff isn't far from finished, all the others are a long way off, but I don't really want to part with any.
On the one hand it's great that most soaps and creams last so long and give you good value for money, but on the other it is difficult to try a lot of products without ending up with a huge backlog about which you feel guilty for not using, unless you sell or give stuff away.

I always feel envious of those who end up with two or three products they are perfectly content with and can use every day for the 6-9 months to get through a cake/tub.
You can get samples, sometimes for free, but I know what you mean. I don't really have that many samples and I never count them when thinking about how many soaps and creams I have.
I've now got enough to last a good few years i'd have thought.

TOBS Jermyn Street Soap (used once, will replace the cream when its gone)
TOBS Jermyn Street Cream (1/3 left probably)
Proraso green small tub (1/2 left)
a couple of Palmolive sticks

I've ordered some more to try out

TOBS Coconut cream
MWF (refill)
Vitos super coconut (refill)
Proraso green tub (new formula) x2
Proraso white tub (new formula)
Holy mother of God! 48 creams and soaps!! Lol and I thought 22 was bad! Lol

I only started wet shaving with a DE roughly about 3 weeks ago and am definitely getting the bug for wanting to try more and more creams and soaps. So far Ive got an Erasmic tube of cream and a stick, Palmolive stick and cream in tube, TOBS Sandalwood cream and a T&H no10 (sold in Boots and John Lewis) cream which I regret buying as the scent is quite a cheap one IMO, Im sure their proper stuff is much better though.

There's a few Im desperate to try but dont fancy shelling out on a tub or tube of cream without trying them first and the samples, if you order a couple, once you factor in postage costs add up to the cost of a tube anyway. Then you're back to square one again though, if you order a tube to try, you may not like it :(

If any one of you guys with 20+ in your collection feel you want to offload a few sample sized blobs to a fellow appreciative member, please feel free lol :D

In all seriousness though, if anyone has any Geo F Trumper/T&H Rose, D R Harris Arlington. Theres so many I forget now lol basically any from those 3 brands, I would be more than grateful to anyone kind enough to send me a sample of 2 haha, I feel like Im begging now. I can pay any postage costs etc btw :)
NotTheStig said:
I'm glad I asked this question I must admit I thought a tub of TOBS would last somewhere between 1 and 6 months of daily shaving, so surprised and pleased at the same time.
Of course, makes it difficult to justify buying more as I have about thirty-odd but like Burgundy I'm a bit ruthless with them and trading now... :)
I bought my dad a tub of TOBS Rose cream as part of his birthday present way back at the start of January and I've learned that he's only had to replace it this weekend (with their Almond scented version). He must be being fairly stingy but, still, fair play to Taylors! It makes me feel foolish for doubling up on Proraso green and white when there are 7 unopened soaps/creams/sticks in my closet and another 7 on my wishlist. I know that my collection is absolutely small fry in comparison to many of you lot, but I think I'm going to try to only buy or trade for samples for the time being!
Ive got a serious amount of soap lying around. I'm happy with that - i use a weekday/weekend scheme and that suits me just fine. So every week, a different soap. Same for the wekend. How many in total - i'd say 25 odd. With spares.

At the rate i'm consuming, i'll probably be senile once they are finished - 3-6 months per soap/tub.
I get about 6 months use from a tub of Trumper or Taylor using at least 6 days a week. When I see comments on the forums of users getting 60 shaves from a tub I am completely perplexed, they must have huge faces and use 6 inch paint-brushes to lather.

I have also gone through a couple of Erasmic sticks and reckon on at least 100 shaves per stick.
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