Single edge razor of the day.

Monday OCtober 4, 2021
Razor: E2 Injector
Blade: sCHick
Brush: Unbranded Burma Shave Boar
Soap: Shannon Soaps Lavender Lemongrass
AS 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
AS 2: CHH Tobacco
Fragrance: Paco Rabanne 1 Million
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,062

Had some gifts in from Fuzzy and used the Aftershave from Fluffy because they seem to go together. This required a break from OCtober as the E2 from Fuzzy isn't an open comb. Back with those tomorrow. Have a great day Folks !!

The handle and patina on that razor are fantastic!
The handle and patina on that razor are fantastic!
Thanks, I love it exactly the way it arrived and wouldn't touch it either! The tiny chip in it with a little crack off of the chip have me concerned and trying to think of what would stabilize it to maintain this.
Tuesday October 5, 2021
Razor: IN Tarmax by Twhite
Blade: sChick
Brush: Fluffy Industries Copper
Soap: Tabac
AS 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
AS 2: CHH Tobacco
Fragrance: Paco Rabanne 1 Million
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,063

Clearly I am failing at Open Combs for OCtober due to trial razors coming in to play with but will get to some soon as I can. Have a great day Everyone !!!

Wednesday October 6, 2021
Razor: IN Tarmax by Twhite
Blade: sChick
Brush: Turn & Shave Fanchurian
Soap: A&E Rèvolution
AS 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
AS 2: A&E Rèvolution
Fragrance: Scuderia Ferrari Black
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 1,064

There may be a shave or 2 left in this soap, probably only 1. It's been a fun one for sure and hate to see it go. Still have the Stirling Deton-8 as a match for Spicebomb though. 2nd shave with the IN TARMAX and another great shave with it. I like this better than the original TARMAX which may just be the difference in an Injector blade versus a DE blade. The SE TARMAX is inbound so i may send this off to the next participant so as not to hold things up. I used setting 9 again which while shaving finds it's way to 10 which is fine. As Andy said it will bite you if you aren't paying attention on the atg pass. Got me the 1st shave for a little nick on my neck. No issues at all this shave as I was more attentive to stretching the floppy neck skin. Have a great day Everyone !
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