should i get this or am i better off getting something else?

No, I think it's you. I don't mean that to sound pokey but think about it - any DE blade can take our skin off down to the bone. There's no such thing as a DE blade that isn't sharp. You're probably finding that aggressive razors and super sharp blades are compensating for your poor technique.

Get the shave nailed with something like an 89 and you'll probably find a big reduction in spots and irritation.
I don't think it's the blade. Nacets are one of the sharpest.

More likely to be the razor angle.

What is the precise problem though: Razor not cutting? Clogging up with hair?
razor wasnt cutting, imo i thought i was getting the angle of the razor quite easily, using it straight away across the grain,
i always start at the front of the head going against the grain

clogging up wasnt no biggie tbh as it wasnt much growth
yea maybe youre right and you peeps make a good point

i did try to give myself more time as i usually do whenever im using new razors or blades etc

tbh ive never had this issue with any de razor before (not that ive used many tbh)

suppose the next shave i'll use it again with either a fresh new nacet or feather and take my time

the method i normally use when shaving my hair as many peeps do is auditory,
i try to hear the sound of it taking my hair off when im shaving

like for example last night in the middle above the neck at the back i was going against the grqain but it really struggled going against the grain,
but yeah could just be me with the poor technique, i mean @Boycie83 whats a sign of someone with good technique? whats the tell tale signs?
I'm no traditional wet shaving guru myself, but from my 'Limited Shaving Experience' it's sound like it's your technique, However, pairing the Feather maybe better for you, I find aggressive blades work well with non-aggressive razors, and vice versa. 'Technique trumps tools'.. Practising my technique and gaining shaving confidence has taught me any of my DE razors whatever the price bracket can give me a close comfortable shave...
Regards. B
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ohhh yea i completely forgot, i always sting here and there when i use the alum block but damn last night it killed like hell,
from what i understand with the alum block is that if it stings its an indicator that you need to improve youre technique or you went a bit rough or something along those lines, well thats what i remember hearing or seeing

anyways i think you @Palmolive fox and @Boycie83 are right

btw hope i wasnt coming across as being argumentative,i was just discussing its just sometimes with the online mediums and like with whatsapp and texting etc,
sometimes its easy to get the wrong end of the stick

so the question i have to ask now @Palmolive fox and @Boycie83 how can i improve my technique?
Comfortable with no skin irritation of after-effects. Emerging from the bathroom as happy as dear Smeagle in post #35 there
Practice practice practice - there's no fast track. I still manage the occasional howler
Practice practice practice - there's no fast track. I still manage the occasional howler
okay cool

just a noob question but do you think with these more bigger brand de razors like muhle, parker etc,
do you need to be more on point with your razor angles compared to cheapo de razor due to their precision and better build?

are the cheapo ones a bit more forgiving?

just something that came to mind that i thought id ask
Some razors are angle sensitive but it's dependant on the head geometry, not the brand
I introduced myself to wet shaving four years ago....My humble advice to you is 'Shave the lather from your face,rather than the stubble'! this will help you to tell yourself to let the weight of the razor & blade do the work with virtually no pressure when shaving...I always apply this method when shaving with all my razors ' aggressive or non-aggressive. Try leaving out alum after your shave for a while and apply a moisturiser or balm a instead. I use alum as a deodorant, and only time i use it for shaving is when i get a nick, which we all get occasionally it's all part of the shaving fun.

Last but not least, don't expect too much too soon.....Go for comfortable irritation free shaves, don't go for BBS shaves..go for enjoyable ones that cause you no irritation or discomfort..As @Boycie83 has stated 'Practice Practice, Practice...Give my 'Shave the lather from your face,rather than the stubble' method a try out, and let use know how you get on.

Regards. B
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razor wasnt cutting, imo i thought i was getting the angle of the razor quite easily, using it straight away across the grain,
i always start at the front of the head going against the grain

clogging up wasnt no biggie tbh as it wasnt much growth

The blade should "catch" on hair most easily against the grain (watch out for nicks though). But you've already tried that.

When I started out audible feedback helped a lot. If I even left the tap running in the sink, I couldn't hear the "skritch" of the blade. A quiet environment helped me hear when the blade was cutting and so find the right angle to hold the razor.

EDIT: didn't see your post. You've already tried that too...
Good advice mate, I'll take it on board appreciate it

No has ever said that to me and never has it crossed my mind to shave the lather and not the hair, interesting approach, it's like looking at it from a different angle tbh

I've got an rectangular alum block I always put water on it then go all over my head with it, do you think I should get a styptic pencil and only use that on nicks and cuts instead of using the alum block all over my head? Hope I'm making sense mate

Quick question bud which may come across like a stupid one but here goes....
what's the difference between aftershave and aftershave lotion? Is it just two in one? What's better to use? You know which causes the irritation to settle down quicker?