Shave of the day, week commencing Saturday 03/09/2011

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RE: Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011

Just back from my team's 0-0 draw in the FA cup against Holbeach Utd and a catch-up with some Blyth Spartans fans before their game against Eastwood Town.

Anyway, shave this morning;

WS Quattro Titanium
Semogue 830
Czech & Speake #88 Soap
D R Harris Pink Aftershave
Czech & Speake #88 Cologne
RE: Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011

Nice hot shower to begin followed by:

L'Oreal Hydra energetic cleaning gel
Sensor Excel
Ever Ready 150 with NF 2 band Knot
BS Macca Root Cream
E45 Cream

Left a bit blotchy, some thing I've not had for a few months of Mach3 and Foam can, I'm left wondering if there's such thing as brush burn when face lathering? bit of palm action tomorrow I think.
RE: Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011

Sunday, 4.Sept.2011

Predopobarba Proraso
Semogue 1550 w/ wooden handle
Pre de Provence savon à raser
Edwin Jagger DE86
Shark Super Stainless
Thayers Witch Hazel Lemon
Proraso Crema Liquida

Re: Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011

This morning:

Hot shower
La Toja stick, face lathered with
Vulfix 404 mix
Feather Portable, with
Gillette 7OC green (2)
Trumper's Coral skin food
Trumper's GFT cologne

Quite a few little blood spots this morning. Didn't actually soap my face in the shower, maybe that was the culprit? Hey ho.
RE: Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011


Schick Adjustable Injector
Schick Blade
New Forest 2201 Brush
D.R. Harris Lavender Soap
Bulldog asb

To answer Martin's (Dodgy) question, the Schick blades that I am using appear to be made in Sweden, and are performing well. I have also used the Personna type blades in this razor with similar results.

I keep eyeing 'NOS' blades, but am reluctant to take the plunge as I'll disappointed when I can't get any more!

RE: Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011

Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Shavemac 30 mm
Razor: Klas Törnblom, w custom scales by Neil Miller (MOP inlays ) + Gillette, Popular
Soap/AS: Prof Blighty's Grapewood
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very close

It's one of those blades you silently chuckle with when shaving and the brush is my face, head and "what ever you want to shave" brush (no, I didn't).

Morning shot:
Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011


Razor: Ikon handle/EJ head
Blade: Lord something or the other.
Brush: Duke 3 Best
Soap: Palmolive stick
Post: Proraso Pre/post

Steamy mirror and a little lapse in concentration lead to a nick in my lip! I can't even remember the last time I did that.

Palmolive is such a great soap and this lord blade wasn't too bad either.
RE: Shave of the day, Saturday 03/09/2011

Yesterdays shave:

Feather (2)
Vulfix Mix
St James Cedarwood and clarysage
Ogallala Bay Rum and Sandalwood
GFT Sandalwood cologne

Sunday 09-04-11. MUSIC: Van Morrison_LP_What's Wrong with this Picture?

Soap from Aleppo 100% oliva - Handmade brush TGN Finest two bands 30X53 - Gillette Aristocrat Junior - Derby Extra #2 - Pre PREP - Sir Irisch Moos shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASB Sir Irisch Moos - ASL Sir Irisch Moos.

Razor: Anonymous Shoulder-less German
Cream: Body Shop Maca Root
Brush: New Forest 2213 Chunky
Post: Alum, Givenchy Gentleman AS
Just honed this on up to test out my new unidentified hone. Wow what an edge, wow what a shave.

Brush - NF super badger
Soap - Proraso
Razor - 7 o'clock NEW
Blade - 7 o'clock yellow
AS - Barbershop Bay Rum

Nice smooth shave, much better than yesterday's.
L'Occitane Verbena soap
Feather AS-D1
Feather blade
'Le Tuft' Chubby 1.5 Beejay custom
Vulfix Persian musk
Alum + Distilled Witch Hazel
L'Occitane Bavx Balm
L'Occitane Bavx EDT


Gave the 'Le Tuft' Chubby 1.5 it's first run out great little performer, I can see me and this brush becomming very good friends over the next few months, lovely super smooth shave two pass with minor touch up, popped into Cardiff for a few hours today, picked up 4 free samples from the L'Occitane store, also gave the Cedar tester bottle a bit of a hiding.

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