Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 9th October 2010

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Wednesday, 10.13.10

First and foremost...
At this point in time, almost half the miners in Chile have been recovered, and it looks promising for them all! I'm not much for posting on current events, but I always wait in anguish when an event like this takes place... I have a deep respect for those that toil underground.
Thanks be to whatever Higher Power watches over these men for what is likely to be a totally successful conclusion... this time.

Now, the shave..

Aura Glow
LaToja Sensitive Shave Cream
Vulfix 660 Pure
John Holler Tower Brand 11/16ths
SRD Premium I Strop ... 40 Linen/80 Leather
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Lucky Tiger Aspen AS

This "cast of characters" always makes for a very satisfying experience... or "ritual" as the "little woman" calls it...


Seconded! I've been watching it live for the majority of the day, fascinating stuff. 15th man up, almost halfway.

Only the _really_ tough guys can do such a thing and get away with it.
Wednesday, 10-13-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Restored brush TGN silvertip Grade A - Merkur 37C Slant - Feather #2 - Pre 3P - Palmolive stick in a puck - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Pour un homme de Caron + ASB Truefitt & Hill.

Wednesday evening

Hot shower.
Erasmic Cream
NF 2211
Gillette Superspeed
Iridium (3)
Speick AS
Macca Root Razor Relief

My first time with the Erasmic, funny smelling stuff, but not unpleasant and gave a great lather, probably down to the brush :lol:

Back to the miners, no. 24 is just up

MWF wash
R89 & GBE(1)
MWF & Commodore
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

All change! First crack with the GBE, should have maybe stuck it in the Aristo as that is what i have been using recently, but fancied a change while still using something (Muhle R89) i felt comfortable with. Shave went quite well, 2 passes and found that the LV was quite a compliment to the blade oil :shock:
Normal weekday shave routine today.

Hot shower and soap up the whiskers
Proraso pre/post sensitive
Muhle R106 with a new Gillette sharp edge
Nanny's lavender soap and SOC
Body Shop Razor Relief
Nivea sensitive moisturiser

It is lovely using a new blade as they cut through whiskers nice and easy.

However, my skin felt quite tingly afterwards for a good hour or so and I felt annoyed with the shave, but then the tingling disappeared really abruptly and my skin actually feels pretty good. Weird, eh?

Trumper Razor/Jewel Blade
Gillette Sensor
New Forest 2201
Trumper's Coconut Shaving Cream
Old Spice Whitewater a/s

Got some Jewel blades in a trade in the vain hope that they might just work. As I suspected, they don't. 2 Strokes of the razor was enough to tell me, so I grabbed the Sensor to finish off.

Good morning,


Simple face wash
Feather and Futur
Nanny's Eucalyptus shaving soap
Omega Boar brush
Proraso AS splash

The Futur hasn't had an outing in a wee while, and I enjoyed using it again.

I didn't need to use the Alum, but I had to take the block off of one of my sons who was licking it . Showed him what it was for, dried it, then put it away out of reach.


I have read in other places that some people quite enjoy the taste of Alum so your son is not alone!
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