Shave of the day w/c Saturday 8th May 2010

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Thursday morning, ... yes, that's right. I shaved in the morning today. I had the day off but also had a medical appointment. So after a good bit of procrastiation, I ended up 'rushing' through a shave - I still took too long by the standards of most folks probably.

Simple brand's Gentle hair conditioner (applied during the shower phase of the daily ablutions) to soften the stubble as my pre-shave.
1971 Gillette Knack & the Return of Zorrik (day 2 with this blade)
Shave and Protect | Gold & Chocolat synthetic with Edwin Jagger's Sandalwood cream
plenty of cold water
Urban Hermit's Bay Rum Baba Balm ASL

I think the Zorrik was smoother shaving today than it was yesterday - not too difficult to accomplish probably (unless using the NOS 'Jewel' blade I used at the weekend; yeesh).
Good morning,

Pears soap wash
RSC Sensitive shaving cream
Merkur HD and Feather blade
Body shop synthetic brush
Tabac AS splash
Natural Grooming Co. AS balm.

In a rush, so loaded a Feather into the HD. After using the Futur exclusively for weeks now, the HD feels strange, not very heavy duty at all. However I can shave with abandon as I find it almost impossible to cut myself with it.

Body Shop synthetic.........meh.....soft and lightweight. Sheds all of its water in one go. It's ok as a travel brush and for use in an emergency.

Back to the usual routine tomorrow.

Slant, 37c
Swede (2)
Men-u Pure Bristle
Boots WH/Tea Tree Toner

I promised to shave with my 'regular' 38c today but I couldn't help reaching for the slant. The thing is addictive!
I also think a Feather blade was made for the Slant. They way it turns the feather into a harmless blade is delightful. My first time with MWF. As advised, I used luke-warm water. Lather started within seconds. Even though I squeezed the water out of the men-u brush, there were a few bubbles appearing. "Not again! Another dud soap" I thought. I carried on regardless for another 20 seconds and applied the lather to my face. No problems! The bubbles disappeared. I was a bit worried because the lather wasn't as thick and lustrous as I had been getting from Cella, Cyril or Nanny recently. However, the shave went well - a lot down of it down to the slant. I would be surprised if the MWF BODY soap differs that much from their shaving soap because it indeed felt like putting on regular soap on the face. Though, there was none of that 'tight' feeling. The smell is lovely too. Of course, with technique my lather will improve. It does leave skin feeling soft but I think more uses will confirm this. Alum reported back no nicks. Finally, I usually wash my face with a face wash in the shower before a shave. I didn't today and at the end of my routine, I applied some WH/tea tree 'splash' to a cotton pad and wiped it acrossed the face. Usually without washing my face I'd get a tiny bit of grime (dry/dead skin or whatever) but there was absolutely nothing today. At this rate, I will be adding MWF to the 'regulars' list.

I really need to get back to my regular Merkur 38c to see if it was the slant making the difference to my shaves or just my technique. But right now, it's hard to separate me from the slant. Thanks again Gary for letting me try it.


Trumper Razor
EJ Best Badger
Taylor Lavender Shaving Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Wonderful. Different blade and slightly different lathering technique got it sorted.

Feather AC with Professional blade
Semogue 1305 brush
Palmolive soap stick
Old Spice (Shulton) aftershave

Back to using the Feather AC for a while.

Futur set on 5
German Wilkinson Sword Blade
Real Shaving Co menthol Cream
Vulfix 2235 Super Badger Brush
Gillette ASB
Azzarro EDT

Quick close and irritation free - Nice.

Mühle R89
Shaving Shack Israeli (2)
Pure Badger
Nannys Citrus soap
Coral Skin Food

I just went for a SAS shave today. I was going to only do one pass (WTG), but decided I needed an extra pass on the neck (W/A/Xtg). So 1 and a half passes. acceptable shave with some rough patches. In my old job I was required to shave everyday; todays shave would have been quite acceptable.

Gem Micromatic OC
Gem PTFE (2)
Boots Soap/Ingrams Cream [Uberlather]
Culmak Viscount
Proraso pre/Post AB
G Bellini Ice

After a week of man flu and mediocre shaves, I decided to try the GM out [a PIF from someone on B&B], this is one hell of a razor, a very aggressive razor and a BBS machine, a slant on steroids, a very slow, careful and close shave was had, I had to do above my top lip with a BIC due to the soreness under my nose. Still got this stinking cold but at least the shave cheered me up a bit.

Have a nice and pleasant day Chaps.



Croma Diamant (2)
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
Witch Hazel
CHH Tobbacco AS
Nivea ASB

Hmm another comfy feeling shave.....which left a handful of weepers! Bizarre, I'm hoping it is just these blades that don't seem to like me, either that, or just when i thought i had things down to a tee, i'll have to start all over again, looking at my technique. Oh well.

Oh, the Rose arrived this morning, so i gave it a whirl - absolutely lovely! (Not at all grandma's hand baggy that i was somewhat expecting for some reason.)

Have a good day, whats left of it.

Gillette Tech
Derby blade
Trumper Limes cream
Commodore X1
RSC balm

Great shave today, really pleased with the results, managed to get as close as I ever have with minimal irritation and no stinging, although I did nick myself multiple times on my chin and neck. Spot of the astringent pencil put that to rest. Not sure if I prefer the Trumper to the TOBS, it smells better but I got better lather with the TOBS. More practise I think.

Gillette Slim Adjustable (#6)
Kai blade
Arko Commando cream
Kent BK4
Alum block
L'Oreal Men Expert 24hr Hydrating AS Balm
Cella Classica cologne

Ow..ow..ow! Seemed like a good shave - nick-free, with the Arko being as slick as an Oil Slick who's been appointed Professor of Slick at Oxford University (with apologies to Blackadder). Around 10 mins afterwards, my face began to sting. I went back to check in the mirror and was horrified to find almost one whole side of my face looking like I'd fallen and scraped it along the ground. Red, angry and nippy with raised spots - it looked horrendous. No idea what did it, but I've been repeatedly applying soothing balm ever since and it's finally starting to die down and the redness is almost gone. Really weird, as post-shave my face looked and felt fine, with no tell-tale stinging with the alum block or the cologne. I think I'll avoid shaving tomorrow to let things recover, and see how things look on Sunday morning.
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