Shave of The Day w/c Saturday 6th February 2010.

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Aluminium handled HD Rocket
Super Iridium
Irisch Moos
Omega Silvertip
Henk's "Bay Rum With A Twist" asb
Geo F Trumper's Sandalwood

Great razor + blade combo: very mild shaver with a very sharp blade, perfect.

Not sure about the Moos. People seem to use it as a better smelling version of Tabac but I really don;t mind the smell of Tabac and prefer it to the hotel loo-cleaner smell of IM.

Omega Silvertip 60mm loft. Just too damn big for me. Can't get the consistency right as I'm used to smaller brushes which hold less water. This was my last attempt to make it work and it is now For Sale.

Henk's "Bay Rum With A Twist" asb What can I say? Another great product from the Dutch Old Master.

Geo F Trumper's Sandalwood at £30 for 50ml this is an extravagance but well worth it: lingers all day, sweetly musky very nice.

Fatboy (6)
Shark (2)
Kent BK8
Aqua Velva

Lovely jubbly. Sharks are very mild blades so dialled up the Fatboy a notch. Feels like I could method shave and not get any irritation.
Tuesday Evening

6/8 Straight/'66 Superspeed/Swede on Neck
Vulfix VS/3
Trumper's Rose Shaving Soap
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Wedensday Morning

Schick Injector
Personna Injector Blade
Vulfix VS/3
Irisch Moos Soap Stick
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Just a quick one pass so I don't look like a tramp come 5pm.


Merkur Futur
Astra (2)
Trumpers Pure Badger
Coral Skin food (before and after)
Trumpers Coconut Cream
Trumpers Moisturiser

Good DFS/BBS - I always seem to find that niggling patch that was missed an hour after finishing my shave.
Gillette Adjustable
Shark Blade
Palmolive shave stick
Wilkinson Sword brush

Nivea ASB

Had a shave before riding to my GF's in blizzard conditions, having to look down at the white line so i could actually see and not have snow keep hitting my eyes :shock:
Opened up the adjustable on 9 for the final pass, not too bad either, really tested my technique.
Got a lovely smooth shave.
Had my first go with the Slim tonight. I did 4 very gentle passes trying to feel where the performance envelope is. I started at 6 and gingerly worked my way up to 2, staying with the grain. It's not the smoothest shave I've ever had, but it is the smoothest with the grain shave.

I'm looking forward to trying again tomorrow as my confidence builds. Only thing I did find is you needs to be sure to tighten down the TTO knob properly.
Wednesday pm
Razor: Bic Sensitive
Brush: Semogue 1305
Soap: Arko Stick

I could quote an annoying meerkat here, but I won't.
Wook said:
Only thing I did find is you needs to be sure to tighten down the TTO knob properly.

That is the famous 1/4 turn.

Most people think the razor is tight enough but the extra bit makes sure it is locked securely.
Wednesday Evening

6/8 Straight
Vulfix VS/3
Irisch Moos
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Same blade as last night, but unfortunately no real improvement over Monday/Tuesdays shaves, worse if anything.

I've got burn, and a nice little cut on my upper cheek which I don't recall happening, and the shave is anything but close, so nothing appears to have improved.

I'm going back to DE shaves until the weekend.

Wednesday Evening

EJ 87 + Feather (2)
Vulfix Pure
Vulfix Lime cream
Trumper's Lime skinfood
Original Vetiver edt

Bootiful. The Vulfix cream was one of the first I bought when I started out -- very decent.
Semogue 1305 brush
EJ89 razor + Feather blade
TSD Buccaneer cream
Musgo Real aftershave

Not the best shave. Interruptions plus an ageing blade caused my first ever nick using the EJ89, just under my nose. Perhaps I should Tweet about it too?

Merkur 39C Slanthammer!
Vulfix VS/3
Proraso Green Tea and Aloe Croap
L'Occitane Cade asb

Now, that's what a shave should feel like.


Merkur HD
Gillette Goal D2
Omega 10005
Dickensons witchazel with aloe
Tabac ASL.

Great shave.

Not a bad little brush even after only three shaves with it. It is really quite floppy for its loft size.
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