Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 3rd July 2010

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Good Good, Fatboys are way overhyped on E-bay and on B&B, but....thay are still very good Razors, and have that nice retro look too, i thing every DE shaver should have one or at least try one..
Saturday Night

Bassler 5/8 round point stainless
Boots Shavebowl soap
Wilkinson Sword Boar brush
Witch hazel
Home brew herby aftershave, rum and witch hazel based.

Straight Razor Shave no. 18

At last things are coming together. Still taking too long and too many passes but gradually developing a feel for wielding a straight. I need to work out how to get the neck/jawline area smooth but at least its at a socially acceptable level now and I am getting that little bit better each time!
Razor: EJ DE87
Blade: Iridium Super
Razor II: Gillette Fusion (headshave)
Brush: Duke 2 Best
Soap: D R Harris Almond

Nothing for 'afters'.

Schick Injector Type J
Schick Blade
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Castle Forbes Lavender Cream
Boots Witch Hazel
Nivea Sensitive asb

Oooo! Forgot how aggressive the Type J can be.


Another one for my blog. This is the Savile Row 3824, winner of a recent brush wars contest on B&B. I'll post a review later. Trumpers coconut cream and Floris Elite on duty again.

I have a Pompey fan visiting today, so the flag is out.
Must put the Stars and Stripes up when they have gone.

Pre: Hot/cold shower
Razor: Joh. Engström
Brush: New Forest, Superior badger 22 mm
Soap: Omega
Post: Proraso
AS: Alcolado Glacial
Result: My head´s on fire - what a nice shave!
This brush is really nice, good for 2 1/2 passes on face + 2 passes on the head and I only loaded the brush for approx. 30 sec - I thought I would have to do it again when moving to the head anyway. Good job Peter - stiff and yet soft and loads soap like a champ :shave. Alcolado is not for the faint harted, don´t get to close to the eyes when using this. Seriously, it will sting :lol: . Really good blade on this razor, very smooth and sharp!
Mikael said:
<snipped>... Alcolado is not for the faint harted, don´t get to close to the eyes when using this. Seriously, it will sting :lol: ... <snipped>

... um, it will sting the eyes?

    • ... or it just plain stings, full stop?[/list:u][/list:u]
UH: Depending on how sore you´re after the shave it _will_ sting accordingly :lol: If you get to close to the eyes, not in the eyes :shock: , it´ll sting in the eyes (some kind of onion effect I guess?).
Sunday, 07-04-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Best Badger no name brush - Gillette Aristocrat #58 - 7 O'clock yellow #1 (not in the pic) - MWF shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Aqua Velva + ASB 444.

Razor- 34C HD Merkur
Blade- Jewel super stainless
Soap- Prosaro
Astrigent- alum block
ASB- Sandelwood Skin Food

Results- DFS


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Ever Ready 1912
Dorco DN-52
Vulfix 404 Boadger
Palmolive Soap milled into a bowl
Pinaud Clubman AS

Back in the land of the living after a stint in hospital, not a bad shave as I'm convalesing, the Dorco SE blade is ok but as I'm not right atm we will have to see how it compares to the Ted Pellas at a later date.


Hope you're feeling better soon Tony


Sunday PM

ABC Tea Tree
Slim & Yellow 7 (4)
Proraso & EJ BB

First shave since Friday evening, knew it was a 4th shave with the Yellow 7 - so bottled it and used the Philishave to just take some of the weight from the 'tache and chin area. Followed by a decent enough 2 pass shave
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