Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 2nd October 2010

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1949/50 Gillette Superspeed, Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow, Omega cream, Simpsons Commodore X1, Lloyds Chemist Distilled Witch Hazel,
L'Oreal Men Expert Hydra Energetic Hydrating Boost post shave balm, Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

wow ... that is true style.

  • Personally, I've never even considered colour-coordinating my shave-of-the-day with my credit/bank cards ...
    • ... would only work for me on a day when the shave-stash is as completely empty as my account.
          • ... and I have somehow got to find more stash to stuff back into the wrappers some time before the end of the month...[/list:u][/list:u]
            :? [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

            Shave time...

            Tuesday Morning:
              • - Vie Long 13723 Horse hair with 23mm knot
                - Sandalwood (sample) from SoapAlchemist/Nanny's
                - (H3) Gillette Adjustable (Slim) set at '5'
                - Dorco 301 Platinums
                - Rose Thayers' Witch Hazel
                - Kartopu Kolonya Gül Suyu rosewater
                - Ed Pinaud Virgin Islands Bay Rum[/list:u][/list:u]

                Sharon's true sandalwood was truly fantastic. I've stayed away from the soap/soap review thread to keep my mental palate clean until I used this - I might have enough for another shave though that isn't assured. That though, is the only thing that I can think of that I could term 'even a little bit iffy' about this potential product. I know alot of folks here (and the other shaving forums) love the BIG, "in your face, and up your nose, mush" types of scents. I don't. I get a snootful of someone's chemically-inflated, crappy, marinade, and I'm thinking "even if I can get the window open, will I be able to puke out of it in such a way that only they get some barf on them?"

                I have smelled the good-stuff before, and this is it!

                This is the real sandalwood shit. And I mean that in the probably dated "shit" = "really rather quite incredibly good" usage of the word. Subtle, yes, but lingering like lover's whisper all day. Seriously - I could keep getting a whiff of this fantastic, multi-faceted diamond of a scent, throughout
                • the
                  • entire
                    • day.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                      Just grand.

                      Other than the scent, it was the usual fine performer that Sharon creates in her extra-virgin-yoghurt sculpting studio: excellent slip and after-slip; inexplicably near-friction-free force-field of foam and froth that lets the sharpness of the blade do its job without letting the blade edge get near enough to potentially cause any damage at all. All the usual hyperbole that is not literal but is indeed brought into existence during the experience of the shave.

                      You might have seen the Dorco 301 was today's choice of blade. Truth is, I had never used one before today. Another truth is, that I am quite glad to have never slagged this blade off not having ever used one prior to today. I am aware that many folks think it would be better to shave with the wrappers Dorco use rather than the actual blade, but today I got as close to totally smoothly shaven as I can probably ever hope for, and I got to it with a 2 pass & polish shave with a Dorco. Is this all because of some sort of Soap Alchemy?
                      • Couldn't tell ya.
                          • Can, and will tell you: I'll try shaving with one of these again, in the very near future.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
                            • Time for more antibiotics, paracetamol and back to trying to sleep with two elevated legs
                                • ... not as much fun as it might sound like.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                                  Happy shaving, folks!
Thanks to Blyth Spirt (David), I got to try what must be one of the hottest things around these parts of the US (3 other gentlemen and I got to try Erasmic cream and stick as well as other soaps to be commented on later in SOTD). It's no secret that what is common in shops of England, or Europe, other parts - are items purchased on the internet for us. The ruling shaving elite decided to go with the can for the masses. Erasmic Cream smells nice -- old time original nice -- and gave me the glide slope needed for that Schick SE in the photo.

I have completed a weeks shaving on this one blade and I'm still getting 2 pass shaves, WTG & ATG, and I plan to continue on using the Schick to see how long these blades last. Yes, with and then against. I didn't need a crosscut my first shave and I don't need it now on the 8th.

On my first shave with this blade holder, I kissed the buzz saw. First short stroke, near the left sideburn quarter inch down and the Fiesty Little "B" cut me and then --- towel snapped me one last time, on the throat, at the end of the shave. Respect for the blade? You better believe it. Especially if you're using a DE everyday. This injector blade cuts timber "Real Close"; first pass. Complacency should not be on your scope when using this precision tool. Still haven't explained to my wife that I bought the Polish Pottery bowl "just to mix some shaving soap in?" This may be the last time this bowl will be in the SOTD. Keep the SOTD photos coming gentlemen. I keep them in my screen savers file. That Erasmic is great stuff David. Good Night Gentlemen. R/Robert


  • First time at bat 9-30-2010 10-40-17 PM.jpg
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Hot shower
Wilkinson sword hydro 3
Semogue 1520
MBs unscented

After my recent issues with my face I decided to go for a light simple set up today hence unscented and no AS, quick clean simple and oddly achieved my first BBS.

Gillette Sensor
New Forest 2201
Ingram Cream
Trumper's Limes a/s

The recent re-kindling of the "Who likes Ingrams?" thread reminded me that I have a tube, so I dug it out and used it this morning. FAAAAAACE FREEEEEZE!
Works quite nicely.


Hot towel
Palmolive soap stick
Men-U synthetic brush
Edwin Jagger DE87
Derby blade
L'Oreal Hydra-Energetic ASB stuff

I decided that I have become a bit of a shaving ponce in the past few weeks, so it was "back to basics". The result was neither as comfortable nor as close as I have achieved recently, so it served as a reality check. Three passes and some irritation has served to show just how good the Feather is.

Needless to say, though, had I achieved a similar result with my Philishave electric or cartridge + gloop, I'd have probably been satisfied.

Have a good day, chaps.


Wednesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: C V Heljestrand MK 42
Brush: Scheerzeep 21 mm silvertip
Soap: Nanny w pure Sandalwood
AS: Ogallala Lime and pepper
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: W O W, what a blade
I really like this soap, not as strong in scent as my other sandalwood soaps, but very, very nice indeed. This AS is now, easy, one of my top 3 AS:s, very nice. Razor is really nice aswell! Hmm, al ot of nice stuff today. The soap: First sniff yesterday I really liked it, but didn´t get that wood feeling (ok, ok joke away...), today however I really got it. It lathered up very nicely and I have enough for another go (very soft water) and when I aplied it I got a sniff from the wood work shop. I´m with Urban H on this one and I love the stuff. I also like my other sandalwood soaps, but this one is da tits, I tell you :lol:
Hot towel,
Unknown bristle/Mitchells Wool Fat (excellent lather )
Gillette Flare/Shark Super Stainless( An excellent blade)
L'occitaine Cade ASB

Great shave today thanks to the Shark, and the MWF of course which never disappoints.
regards, beejay
EJDE89L + supermax (4)
Beejay silvertip + BS original/Ingrams mix
Witch Hazel
Jovan Sex Appeal cologne

Like a few others, the Ingrams thread prompted me to give it a whirl. Great stuff although I prefer it on hot summer days.
Wednesday - basic stuff

I've been working my way through all the samples I'd recieved from the Rev, and very nice it all is too. But today I decided to re visit the basics:

Palmolive cream - so easy to get a great lather, and so cheap. I just worry about the palm oil thing
1950's Gillette Tech - still liking this tiny classic, and it was cheap!
Gillette 7 o'clock yellow (3) - I like these blades but want to de-P&G my life so won't buy any more.
Finish with a splash of witch hazel and a blob of aqueous cream - can Nivea asb really be any better?

Nice shave and it still feels like a luxury rather than a chore.
Good Wednesday afternoon,

Simple face wash
Bic sensitive single blade disposable
Nanny's Eucalyptus soap
Frank Shaving badger brush
Simple AS balm
Hugo Boss Bottled cologne

Earlier in the year I vowed off disposables for ever. That was after 2 weeks of rubbish shaves using a twin blade disposable and KOS gel. For ever is a long time and I picked up a pack of these jobbies on a whim yesterday.
A WTG then XTG pass and it's close enough, but like when using the tech I over shaved and as a result I'm left with lots of weepers and an irritated neck.

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