Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 2nd October 2010

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Proraso sensitive pre/post
SOC brush
Nanny's Lavender soap
Muhle R106 with Gillette sharp edge
Nivea sensitive ASB

I have used my SOC about 15 times now and it is still breaking in. It is getting better, but still not the lather hog I wished for.

I ended up with a nick or two and some irritation around my Adam's apple, which was annoying. However, the rest of my face is lovely and soft.
EJDE89L + supermax (3)
404 bodger + Erasmic stick
Witch Hazel
Kenzo Flower EDP

I wasn't sure about the scent of Erasmic at first. Now it's one of my favourites. The same is true of MWF.
Tueasday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Klas Törnblom
Brush: New Forest
Soap: Nannys Ice & Slice
AS: Old Spice Musk
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very nice!
Wow, this blade is nice, it´s 6/8 at the toe and 5/8 at the other end. Nannys new soap is my new favourite, wonderful lime smell and nice cooling effect (not as much as Omega and such, but a very light cool cool :mrgreen.
Feather SS
Super Iridium
Cyril Salter Mint SC (thanks Phil for the sample)
Semogue 1438 Boar
Adidas Dynamic Pulse AS

A wonderfully smooth close shave pared with an excellent blade (Iridium). I really like the Cyril Salter SC. About the Feather SS just one word "fantastic"
Tuesday, 10.5.10

Aura Glow
Ingram Shave Cream
Vulfix 660 Pure Badger
Gebr. Weyersberg Corneta 078½
SRD Premium I Strop .. 45 Linen/90 Leather
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm Sensitive
Osage Rub AS

The Weyersberg Corneta has achieved "Most Favored Razor" status, and ranks up there with the big boys! As an added benefit, it's the only example of this model that I have ever come across..
The Ingram cream is nice, and I finished off the menthol experience with Osage Rub...

From the Woodstock Days.... Are You Experienced? ... Does anyone remember?

Muhle 89
Gillette Sharp Edge
Speick soap
AofS badger brush
Speick AS

First time with a Gillitte Sharp Edge, smooth and sharp, but still managed to nick myself, Speick aftershave leaves skin feeling very soft.

Merkur progress
supermax super platinum tiger (2)
Nannys yushu
new forest 2201
Mennen skin bracer

"Tigers" quite sharp but I think I prefer the "supermax sunrise" they seem smoother . The skin bracer I like , minty, fresh very nice .

Tuesday, 10-05-10.

Soap from Alepo - Rooney 1/2 silvertip - Merkur 37C Slant - 7 O'clock SharpEdge #1 - Pecksniff's Fern shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Pour un homme de Caron + ASB Institut Karite.

Shaves of the last fortnight
I won't bother you with the details:

Sir Prize, if you're passing by: I have nothing but respect for you having to contend with Thames Valley water on a daily basis. If it wasn't for that double concentrated RSC stuff, I'd have a beard.

Andy, is that your "holiday" kit?
Andy: it was this time, although quite a few of the items were lying forgotten in my Dad's bathroom cabinet. As it happens I acquired a better solution to the travelling with open razors problem while I was away, and I'll drop off a pic in the straights section in due course. I don't want anybody to think that I'm proselytising for the RSC cream, but it was a life saver with that lather killing water, and for that reason it's earned a permanent place in the travel kit.

HM: I even had to add some to the Arko. Maybe you should take a jerrycan of shaving water.
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