Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 2nd October 2010

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Sheffield, UK
Saturday, Early-Early-Early Morning!:
  • (about 12:05):[/list:u]

    - Arko Shave Stick soap in ebonised wooden container
    - Vie Long 13723 Horse hair with 23mm knot
    - Merkur 42 Classic 1904
    - SuperMax Tiger Super Platinum
    - Lavender Thayers' Witch Hazel
Razor: Sensor (by Edwin Jagger)
Brush: Simpson Tulip 2 in two-band Super
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Cologne: Czech & Speake #88

<------ 1000th post, by the way.
Congrats on the big 1k, Vinny!


Hot towel and watery lather
Truefitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort cream
New Forest 2201
Feather AS DE
Feather blade
L'Oreal Men Expert Hydra Energetic Hydrating Boost Post-Shave Balm Ice-Cool wake-up effect with Active Defence System (because I'm worth it)
Pecksniffs Citrus cologne

The L'Oreal ASB was on offer in Superdrug (£5.99, or 31.5p per word) and is a clear gel which tingles (as opposed to stings) a bit when first applied, but absorbs quickly. The second ingredient in the list is alcohol, but the effect is quite soothing.

The shave? Another smooth, close and comfortable two-and-a-bit pass. I'm getting used to the technique of using the Feather at a different, more acute angle to my other razors. Third shave with this particular blade, and it feels as if I'll get another one from it.

Right. Back to the Ryder Cup.


Good morning all,

Simple face wash
GFT Coral skin food (nearly finished)
Merkur HD and Feather blade
Omega boar brush
Nanny's Eucalyptus soap
Hugo Boss Bottled cologne

I got a good lather from the silly soap by first running a good amount of hot water straight from the tap into the tub, a swill about, dump the excess water and then let it sit a while. A wet brush, lots of elbow grease and a bit more water provided me with the best lather from this soap yet.


gillette super thin (5?)
nannys citrus zinger
new forest 2201
Mennen 'blue'

first try with the mennen blue (cheers Max ). Nice alcohol burn , clean, fresh and pretty nice menthol.
Saturday morningish
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: SSA Eskilstuna 6/8 in pink ivory wooden scales
Brush: New Forest
Soap: Nannys Citrus Zinger
AS: Alt Innsbruck
Strop: Neil Miller linen/buffallo 30/60
Result: Very, Very Clean
This blade is prob. a Klas Törnblom and made for a company, boy what a sweet shaver. I think it´s a 3/4 grind ... but it feels like a near wedge in how she behaves, but surely it´s a 3/4!? Innsbruck works very nicely for me, I like it!
Saturday,10-02-10. MUSIC: John Coltrane_My Favorite Things.

Soap from Alepo - TGN UK Super Badger - Merkur 37C Slant - Laser Super Platinum #2 - TOBS Avocado - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Grey Flannel + ASB Weleda.


Schick Injector Dial Adjustable
Schick Platinum Blade
New Forest 2201
Trumper's Sandalwood Soap
D.R. Harris Sandal Wood a/s

Sandalwood day! The Harris a/s scent has some staying power. Shaved around 9am, it's now 3pm and it's still here.

Hello everyone

Satuday morning.
Hot shower
Merkur 37c slant
Astra Keramik
Body shop macca root cream
a dash of grooming lounge oil
shaving shack pure badger brush
Proraso pre shave
Proraso A/S.

I went to Ikea with the missus last weekend , it wasnt as bad as I was expecting as I found the perfect s.steel mixing bowl to add to my shaving stash!
The shave went well today, first time using the Astra blade and it seems pretty good, seems to work well in the slant razor and gave me a pretty smooth 2 pass shave.
I did have about 5 seperate tiny spots of blood from nicks but no bigger than a pin head and healed up before I splashed on the A/S.
I have been using a glass mixing bowl until now to do my lather, whilst preparing my face with the pre-shave i place the bowl in hot hot water, this gives nice warm lather, unfortunatly the s.steel bowl dosnt seem to hold the heat as well as the glass but its not the end of the world, at least I cant smash the s.steel bowl into a thousand peices on the floor which is only a matter of time with the glass one!
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