Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 25th September 2010

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Hot towel
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cream
New Forest 2201
Edwin Jagger DE87
Derby blade
Pecksniffs Citrus ASB
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cologne

Going from a Feather blade to a Derby meant an additional pass (two passes with a Feather = three with a Derby), but still a close and comfortable shave.
I found a shop in Lyndhurst (capital of the New Forest) at the weekend which sells ToBS and MWF. They had a selection of brushes as well, but I was in a bit of a rush. When I get the opportunity I'll go back and have a proper mooch around.


Monday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: C V Heljestrand MK 24, 11/16
Brush: New Forest
Soap/cream: Scheerzeep Sandalwood Vetiver
AS: English Leather
Strop: Neil Miller linen/buffallo 30/60
Result: Very clean
It puzzles me, the Heljestrands and sizes. I didn´t think the MK 24 should be a 11/16, but this one is, spot on (and not a 4/8). Lovely blade and lovely shave though. I´m getting better to handle Henks soap, vetiver smelled like peas to me. After some good info from Henk I slowly, with a well shock brush, wirled up some nice lather. Very protective and nice. I´m with Olie on this one, Henks soaps are the good stuff and close to Nannys in performence (I´m no expert, so please don´t take my oppinions as the truth though).

White proraso pre/post
Neo Custom 2 band
Trumpers coconut cream
Laurel OC + feather (1)
Thayers with Lemon
Proraso ASB

Didnt shave at weekend, so missed out on using shavette will aim to do so next weekend.
Thought with the Laurel being mild, I would try a feather. Very smooth shave, but some sting from the alum, and some redness. Having tried feathers in a few razors, I am finally convinced they are not the blade for me.

Love the coconut cream

Wanted to try my tech, since everyone talkes about it..

So todays shave:

Razor: Gillette Tech Fat handle
Soap: l'Occitanie Cade
Brush: Simpson Beaufort B1
Blade: Gillette Super Thin
ASB: Nivea Sensitive
AS: Aqua Velva

Overal impression, good functional razor, but one that doesn't "do it" for me, I got a mighty fine shave,
but like the 34C I've mentioned elsewhere, I don't seem to bond with this one.
I also seem to hone in on my soap preferences, I'm more a soft soap kind of guy I think.

Anyways, conclusion, DFS, but not a lot of "fun".

Monday - exactly the same as yesterday minus the skin food and 3 crowns

Fitjar soap This is working well for me.
WS Classic loaded with an Astra (3) Not sold on Astras, just a bit "meh". Maybe it's the classic that's the problem.

Is my beard growth slowing down? Seem to have less to shave every day.. :shock:
Good afternoon,

Simple face wash
Tabac shaving soap
Frank shaving badger brush
Feather and Futur
Coral skin food
Hugo Boss Hugo cologne

I subconsciously haven't used Tabac soap for most of the summer, not sure why, but it was nice to be acquainted with the old lather monster again.

FrenchBlade said:
...good functional razor, but one that doesn't "do it" for me... ...I don't seem to bond with this one...
Exactly the same here. I also find the angle required different to the one we use while handling a Merkur or a SS, and to this I haven't got used to yet.

Gillette Slim Adjustable
Gillette Super Thin blade
NF2001 brush
SCS Sun-bleached wood cream
Thayers Unscented Witch Hazel

Excellent shave, but disaster struck when drying the razor after. I managed to gouge a deep cut into my thumb (cutting through a thick towel in the process). About 5 minutes of profuse bleeding, then a plaster. Then off to work...
Monday PM

Fat Tech
Lord Platinum x 4
Semogue 2000
PalmSword soap
Alum - took the heid aff a plook :roll:
English Leather splash

getting near the end for the blade
managed ATG with the fatty, which is unusual as i can only usually do that with an ally tech or my Feather Pop

Brush- NF2201
Soap- Cella
Razor- Gold Micromatic
AS- Floid Blue

First go with my micromatic Very good three pass shave nearly bbs(did not want to push it on first outing)
Floid a first as well nice smell and does job its meant to you.
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