Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 24th July 2010

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I saw a Polish store when driving through Musselbrough a couple of weeks ago, is that on your Embra route HM?

What an absolutely spiffing idea Fido! Perhaps you could share a stand with another vendor, and do exactly that! As long as you are not attempting to shave them also, what harm can you do? You and participants will have a lorra, lorra, laughs, and you will flog a few brushes, and how very eccentric, good PR too. It could form the basis for your launch in to general sales !!

Yes HM, why not? These stands are quite expensive, but if you had say, three vendors sharing the same stand eg: New Forest, Nannys, and an AS/ASB/ maker - then surely it becomes viable ! I know , however there are rules and regs. governing both the sites and stands at all these shows, and so this idea may not be feasible :|

Merkur 39C Slanthammer
New Forest 2201
Witch hazel
Nivea Sensitive asb

Monsavon? Non. It looks interesting, has a nice scent, but doesn't work well enough. Sounds like quite a few things from France.


Lord Tech
Astra SC (3)
Simpson's Wee Scot
Nanny's Lavender Soap

Tabac AS

Absolutely fantastic shave. The best for a while; I've had some very good shaves recently but this was sublime, everything gelled.

With all the Wee Scot talk (and buying frenzy ) last evening mine came out for a whirl today and my, how I've missed it. Lovely to work with and Nanny's Lavender soap is as delightful as her other soaps.

Edwin Jagger DE87 with Feather blade
Simpson Tulip 2 (two-band)
Mitchell's Woolfat
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

WS Classic with WS blade
Vulfix 2235
Erasmic tallow stick ground into a bowl
Envy EDT

Used another cheap razor today, I still quite like it but its very mild and my normal 3 pass shave gives me a SAS, it would be quite an effort to achieve a BBS. Coupled with that the Erasmic stick and it was disappointing. I can whip up a slick lather with the Erasmic but it falls apart in seconds, no opportunity to take time over the shave you have to get it done before the lather collapses, I'm going to try it once more with purified water and if that doesn't cut it then its binned.
IanM said:
Monsavon? Non. It looks interesting, has a nice scent, but doesn't work well enough. Sounds like quite a few things from France.


Hi Ian. That suprises me as i have been quietly impressed with the Monsavon. Yet another case of YM.....oops, i mean what may work for one, doesn't for another :lol:


'59 Fatboy
Supermax Super Stainless (3)
New Forest 2201
DR Harris Rose Cream
SWK Scuttle
Witch Hazel
Boots Bay Rum (Hair tonic )
Henk's Bay Rum ASB.

Last day to push, then finally a spot of leave!
Have a good one gents.
IanM said:
Monsavon? Non. It looks interesting, has a nice scent, but doesn't work well enough. Sounds like quite a few things from France.


Hi Ian. That suprises me as i have been quietly impressed with the Monsavon. Yet another case of YM.....oops, i mean what may work for one, doesn't for another :lol:


'59 Fatboy
Supermax Super Stainless (3)
New Forest 2201
DR Harris Rose Cream
SWK Scuttle
Witch Hazel
Boots Bay Rum (Hair tonic )
Henk's Bay Rum ASB.

Last day to push, then finally a spot of leave!
Have a good one gents.
Hot towel
Wilkinson bristle /Tabac (whipped up a great lather though)
Gillette flare/Crystal(2)
L'occiataine Cade ASB

Another very comforatble and smooth shave.
regards, beejay

Iridium super(3)
new forest 2201 'fido'
Godrej shaving round

Third go with the Futur +iridium did all three passes at on 3 , a liitle bit of sting but not much from the alum. Probably won't go any higher for now.
Fido +godrej very good as expected. Then Alcolado. So Cold and kicks like a mule . Nice.
Lovely shave

have a nice day gents

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