Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 24th July 2010

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Pre - Hot shower
Thayers Rose witch hazel
La Toja stick
Semogue 1305
Merkur 38C
Personna red IP (2)
Pinaud Bay Rum

Still struggling with lather for second pass. Kept brush wet to the point that it was dripping everywhere whilst making first face lather which was rich and creamy and appeared plentiful but again second lather was washy. Managed but not good. Will try a more used brush tomorrow as only the second outing for the Semogue. The La Toja is a fantastic soap and I would have to say prob the slickest I have used so far. At 1.65 euros a bargain, if you're in Sain......

If your 1305 is not broken in it could be the culprit. It could be that you did not get enough soap onto your beard/skin.
New Forest 2201 : Le Grelot 6/8 : T&H 1805 SC : T&H 1805 ASL

The edge is a bit rough because I am a beginner in honing, but I enjoy the coticule a lot,... Every time I use it, I learn to improve the honing a little because the feeling of the stone, I hope my honing skills will be better for the next razor.

I use the dilucot, a progressive honing system with coticule and slurry, thanks Mr. Bart, your lessons are an excellent resource for the coticule users
Thanks Fozz

Having read posts about boars I'm assuming it's because this is a new brush that it's eating my lather so I will try another brush that's been broken in and see how that goes.

Lord Tech
Astra SC (2)
Grosvenor 404 Bodger
WARS (Poland) Cream

EJ Sandalwood ASM

I'm getting the hang of this razor and it shows. This is a difficult razor to learn to drive but this morning it delivered, and how.

The WARS cream is excellent. I do bang on about this cream but if you haven't tried it I do recommend that you may want to. Perhaps try a Polish grocery shop before going on-line.

A very good shave indeed.

Feather Popular with Gillette superthin blade
Wilkinson Sword Brush
Boots Soap Bowl
Aquatonic AS

Revisited the feather popular today, it was my 1st DE and I found it rather light weight. After I moved on to other razors and having picked up some better technique and tried it again but found that I still got a poor shave, however today I found the best blade angle and got a BBS. Quite surprised as to how well it worked to be frank!
Hot towel
Ever ready 12a/Macca root cream (same as yesterday and still lovely )
Gillette flare/Crystal (New) These 2 work extremely well together
Nivea replenishing ASB
A very comfortable and very smooth shave.
fresh coffee and to work.
regards, beejay

Iridium super(2)
new forest 2201 'fido'
Godrej shaving round
DR harris bay rumbum

The fido brush + godrej soap = very nice lather
Second attempt with the futur , ran it on 2 today. No irritation, cuts etc; alum did'nt have anything to report .Will I go to 3 next ? hmmm. I do like the Iridiums , smooth & sharp.
The futur still looks like a piece of bathroom chrome though
Had a small bit of DR harris bay rum left that I got from decant club , its not too clovey , sweet enough mild alcohol 'kick' .Very nice but the scent does'nt last though.
Very nice shave

have a great day gents


Mühle R89
Israeli Blade (1)
Bluebeards Revenge Shave Cream
Coral Skin Food (pre and post)

DFS+. WTG, XTG and ATG in a few areas. Nice comfortable shave.

PAL Injector-matic
Personna PTFE blade (4)
Omega Pro #49
Monsavon Bol à Raser
Boots Freshwood ASB
Pashana AS

After yesterdays shave with the Gillette Black in the Slanthammer which was so so, I decided to give the PAL a whirl, last time I shaved with it I thought the blade was maybe on the way out - WRONG, EPIC FAIL, today I had the best injector shave yet, no tugging, just smooth, no whisker stood a chance, an effortless BBS was had, may be because its the soap, the razor, blade or me, but it all combined for a great, nay fantastic shave. [have to find a schick now !!!]


EJDE89L + Feather (1)
Semogue 1460 + EJ Sandalwood cream (sample)
Witch Hazel
Caron Third Man EDT

First shave with a Feather. I was expecting to feel some kind of difference given the reputation they have. It was a nice shave but I know I wouldn't be able to distinguish the blade from any of the other blades I've used in a blind test (apart from a couple of dud Derbys and a dud Wilkinson). Supermax blades cut just as well.

Perhaps it's different for 'Desperate Dan' thick, coarse beardy boys, but I can't see a way of judging one blade to be sharper than the next. The blade either cuts my whiskers or it doesn't.

Had a look in our local Polish store - TEZCOs - but they had none on the shelves
Castle Forbes Lavender today - I'm beginning to wonder if this stuff will ever get used up. So much lather from such little product!
Proraso balm finished things off nicely. Then breakfast at The New Forest and Hampshire County Show. As I strolled round, I wondered if I could lather up volunteers and flog a few brushes at next years show.

Proraso pre/post
EJ mastiff + Iridium (1)
Trumpers Coconut cream
Thayers Original with Aloe vera ( alcohol free)
ESPA moisturiser

1st time out with the Trumpers, lathers up easy, but didnt seem all that protective.. maybe I need to use more.
I look forward to having a better shave next time.
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