Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 24th July 2010

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Cobra Classic
Feather Pro Blade
New Forest 2201
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Witch Hazel
Nivea Sensitive asb

MWF/New Forest combo is an impressive one.

Sunday morning
Pre: Hot Shower
Brush: New Forest
Razor: Le Grelot
Soap/cream: EJ cream + Palmolive stick
Post: Proraso
AS: Old Spice Musk
Result: Nice one

Two nicks, this Le Grelot keeps on holding and scary nice edge . Lather was a very nice combo, Edwin Jagger + Palmolive = super slick :shave

Gillette super thin
New forest 2201
Godrej shaving round
Pinaud Clubman bay rum

Had spotted the Godrej shaving soaps in Hunnymonsters SOTD , he rather likes them. I got a couple of Connaught.
Though the Godrej shaving round does smell chemically antiseptic and looks like a large urinal cake, it works really well though. Lathers fast with the 'fido' , nice slick and gave a great 3 pass+ shave.Now I need to get my hands on a few more of these !
Pinaud Clubman bay rum to finish not too sweet , nice cloves and a 'good' sting.
Great shave

have a good one gents

Mikael said:
Lather was a very nice combo, Edwin Jagger + Palmolive = super slick :shave

Mikael, I assume it was the EJ aloe vera that went together with the Palomlive, right? How did you apply? Face lathering or bowl?

'66 Slim Adj
Thai Superthin (3) - or 4..?
EJ Med Silvertip
Trumpers Almond Cream
Boots Fresh Wood AS and ASB.

I felt i had to also go for the ASB as my face feels a touch "scraped" today for some reason.

Oh well, enjoy the rest of the weekend gents.
Sunday, 07-25-10. I changed the blade.

Soap from Aleppo - Semogue LE09 - Guillette english 1958 TV Super Speed - Super Max Blue Diamond #1 - Pre Proraso - TABAC shaving soap - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Royal Copenhagen+ ASB Floïd.


PAL injector-matic
Personna PTFE Blade (3)
Omega Pro #49
Tabac Soap
Gillete Series AB
Tabac AS
Tabac EDT

Not as good as yesterdays shave but still a DFS, the blade must be losing its edge, it still feels as tho there is another shave in it just not as sharp. After this blade is done I must revist my GEM OCMM.



Yes, I think so. It´s a E J sampler, but it doesn´t smell too much. I bowl lathered, I pushed a small piece of Palmolive to the bottom with my thumb and whirled away :shave Lather wasn´t so thick but very slick though.

Merkur 15c
Superthin #3
Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad Soap
Vulfix 404 boar
Givenchy Xeryus AS

BBS, nice razor, nice blade, still don't like the brush.
Sunday Afternoon:

Well, ... once more the bizarre becomes the norm.

    • - The Urban Hermit Model No. 1 "Resyke" from 'le Tuft'
        • - Colonel Conk's Lime glycerin soap[/list:u][/list:u]
          - Gillette Adjustable fatboy
            • - Dinosaur Stainless steel (yellow) from China[/list:u][/list:u]
              - My Mighty Menthol AlumWater spritz
              - Thayers' Rose witch hazel
              - a blob of aloe vera gel and
                • - Old Spice Whitewater cut with a few drops of water[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                  The bizarre thing being that I ended up with a relatively trouble-free, fairly smooth shave with what has been pretty much called the worst blade in the history of shaving history. It wasn't smooth gliding over the skin un-noticed sort of shave, but it can't honestly be said that the blade didn't get the job done. It didn't catch or do any real tugging, it just ... kind of ... er, dragged around the lather.

                  The Conk's lather was great and slick with great after-slip, as usual.
                    • I paid very close attention to razor angle and pressure.[/list:u][/list:u]
                      but ...
                        • no matter what I did, or at what angle I did it, this blade didn't change the way it felt over the beard -
                            • ... like it was dragging along the skin ploughing up the lather ... and the stubble![/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

                              ... and this seems to be what happens when I use blades folks tell me are complete and total unredeeemable crud . ... well, I haven't heard anything bad about their packaging, so maybe they have one redeemable trait for folks??

                              Have a good'un, eh .

RSC Scrub
R89 & Astra (1)
GFT Limes (sampler) & Semogue 1250
Aqua Velva AS

Had a mare yesterday with the Yellow 7 blade, so dropped in an Astra for the first time in about a month - Sm-ooo-th . Had trouble with the Limes, took 2 attempts to get something usable, even though i did my usual careful drip introduction of water :| Decided on the AV for the first time, but had to hold back the immediate impulse to shoot my brother in law and nail my sister :shock: I feel better now though - smells nice
moodymick said:
<snipped> ... Decided on the AV for the first time, but had to hold back the immediate impulse to shoot my brother in law and nail my sister :shock: I feel better now though - smells nice

    • So, ... that's the something about an 'Aqua Velva man'?
          • egads...[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Razor: Rolls Razor Imperial 2
Brush: New Forest Superior 2201
Cream: Olivia Seife Bayrum
AS: Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island, AII Osage

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