Shave of the Day W/C Saturday 22nd May 2010

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Saturday January 30, 2010

Gillette #58
Personna Israeli (1)
Kent VS30
Palmolive Soap [milled into a bowl]
Umbro Skill AS

The Gillette gave a fine performance with the Personna and a luvly shave was had, the #58 seems to like all kinds of blades.

Have a nice and spiffing day Chaps.



The Rooney Finest is beginning to get better and better. It's deceptive - it feels relatively soft and floppy but performs as though it has adequate backbone . It's not a good idea to use a china mug to soak your brush. I knocked mine against the bowl and took a chunk out of it. Plastic from now on. The Coates is excellent and my Floris Elite is great for a summer day. Chatsworth/Swede completed the line up.

Saturday It's Speicktacular... :shock:

'59 Fatboy
Astra Platinum (5!)
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
Speick SC
Speick AS

A really nice shave! I'm still looking for a shop out here that sells the Speick shavestick, but yet to no avail! I know Connaught have them and will probably go there, but, it's made in Germany....I'm in Germany....and i can't seem to find it anywhere!
I think there may well be another shave out of that blade!!! Very impressed, at least in the Fatboy. Will next be giving the Astra's a whirl in either the Futur or Chatsworth.

Have a relaxing day gents.
Feather AC with Professional blade
Semogue 1305 brush
Palmolive shaving soap stick
Old Spice aftershave

Trumper razor
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre Shave
Proraso cream
Proraso a/s

Nice and tingley!!
Saturday 05-22-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Semogue Excelsior LE09 - Guillette Sheraton - Astra Superior Platinum #2 - TOBS Avocado shaving cream - Alum block - Toners Thayers Original Aloe Vera - ASL Grey Flannel.

Saturday Afternoon:

  • - Pre-Shave:Simple "Gentle" hair conditioner in the shower,
    • then Somerset's "Original" shave oil[/list:u]
      - 1971 Gillette "The Knack" with a "7 O'clock
      • Super Platinum"
      • fresh out of a freshly cracked open box[/list:u]
        - Colonel Ichabod Conk's glycerin "Lime"
        • with my Semogue 2000[/list:u]
          - Lots of cold clear water for rinses, and face dunks ... ahhhhh!
          • A fantastic feeling on a too f---ing hot & humid day (yuck)![/list:u]
            - Alum; not so much burning today, but still, not
            • the lovely tanging sensation I love and knew so well.[/list:u]
              - Thayer's witch hazel, Rose slathered on, then
              • finished off with my "Bay Rum Baba Balm" ASL[/list:u][/list:u]

                I have begun remembering yet another reason why I was bearded for so long...
                • My freakin' beard grows so freakin' many freakin' freaked out freakin' ways! Once I start shaving below the lower jawline, I don't think I even have an actual 'grain' to shave 'with' or 'across' ... every stroke of the blade feels like it's going 'against'!
                  • ... great googa-mooga![/list:u][/list:u]

Trumper razor
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre Shave
Proraso cream
Proraso a/s

Same as yesterday, with the Proraso a/s "is this burning or freezing?" thing.


Hot towel
404 mix/ Mr Taylors creammmmmm! :)
EJ DE87/Super iridium (one of my favourite blades )
Nivea Replenishing ASB

Really enjoyed today's shave, feels very smooth :)
regards, beejay

'59 Fatboy
Astra Platinum (6!)
Neo's Finest 2-band
SWK Scuttle
Trumper Coconut soap
Witch Hazel
Dr Henks Bay Rum ASB
Canoe Cologne

Really impressed with the blade! Not going to risk a 7th shave with it though. Next is to try it in one of the other razors and see if it is as good in my normal razor rotation. Then...time to order a load :lol:

Have a good day gents.

Gem Jr fat handle
Gem SE blade
Palmolive stick
Sainsburys witch hazel
RSC balm

Missed a shave yesterday as I was stuck at a friends barbeque (far too hot for bbq food - most of it was left at the end) and didn't get home at a reasonable hour. Since I had two days growth I opted for a SE with Palmolive stick. Lovely shave, the Gem whipped around beautifully and it makes a hell of a racket when it's cutting so it's easy to tell when you're working and when you're not. It felt smooth enough at the time, but I was taking no chances and went for a triple whammy of AS, WH and Balm. Result - one of my best shaves yet, one tiny nick beside my chin and a faint tingle on the right side of my neck.

Merkur 15c OC
Red Personna (4)
Semogue 1305
Wilkinson Sword Soap

Nivea ASB
Old Spice (Lime, India) AS

Decent shave, eventually. No where near as good as yesterday though!

I've wanted to be rigorous in my appraisal of this soap for a while and, following my scrapping of the Erasmic soap, I thought that this weekend would do for the Wilkinson's. It loads ok, lathers in the bowl ok, transfers to to the face well - then promptly disappears. Go back to the bowl and nothing. Hmph!

I got by only through loading and face lathering for each pass. I'm reluctant to lose it because I do actually like the smell but it will get one more chance, next weekend, then it may be the great green shaving bin in the garden I fear.

The container will then be loaded with two and a half grated Palmolive sticks...

Hey ho!

The Rooney 3/1 silvertip is an interesting little brush - a short loft and relatively prickly- one of the better silvertips for using with hard soaps. Arlington fresh citrus and fern fragrance is perfect for a fine summer day.

Morning coffee at Milford beach overlooking the Solent and the Isle of Wight. Lawn mowed and now rugby. And no work tomorrow. Don't wish your lives away. Retirement comes soon enough - but it can be fun.

Tony_B said:

Gillette #58
Personna Israeli (1)
Kent VS30
Palmolive Soap [milled into a bowl]
Umbro Skill AS

The Gillette gave a fine performance with the Personna and a luvly shave was had, the #58 seems to like all kinds of blades.

Have a nice and spiffing day Chaps.



Hi Tony! is that a Fatboy you have there then ? :?:
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