Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 18th September 2010

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Thursday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Klas Törnblom X w acrylic MOP scales
Brush: New Forest
Soap: Nannys Yushu
AS: Old Spice Fresh lime
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Very nice and close one today!
I used the upside down soap tecnique today, holding the soap jar upside down and loading with the brush upwards. Best result ever when face lathering, for me. Thank you SirP, Sharon and Mantic! Lovely NOS blade, but I do have to sell off some razors soon and this is one them. But why doesn´t it feel right? Promised the wife :roll: and I do need the founds (do you hear the violins? :lol.
Shave of the last 28 days,

Just back from work and my kit of choice was as follows:

Simple for men face wash
Merkur Futur
Feather blades
La Toja cream
Frank shaving badger brush
Proraso AS splash

I decided that I couldn't go a whole month without my Futur, so in the bag it went.

The La Toja cream and Frankie boys brush were both pleasant and good, however I soon tired of the strong scent of the cream and the floppyness of the brush. The brush is quick drying and well suited to travelling, because of the weather I couldn't leave stuff lying around and it lived quite happily in the washroom cabinet. I found myself looking forward to getting back to a proper rotation. 1st off will be the Nanny's Eucalyptus soap and a good stiff boar brush.

The glass bottled Proraso wasn't very practical for use on a moving ship, so I will do without after shave next time.

The Simple face wash has a slight menthol tingle and is good stuff.

Excellent avatar, STG. The great Father Jack Hackett. Legend.

Right. To business.

Hot towel and hand-applied watery lather as prep.
Truefitt and Hill Ultimate Comfort cream
New Forest 2201
Merkur Futur
Feather blade
Pecksniffs citrus ASB
Pecksniffs citrus cologne

Once again, the combination of Futur and Feather provided a satisfying two-pass shave. I usually only use a blade for two shaves, but I'll keep the Feather going for a bit longer to see how it feels.

Hot shower
Unknown badger brush
Parkers Butterfly razor
Derby Blades.
Professor Blighty's Barbarian Blade Pre Shaving Oil
Professor Blighty's Barbarian Blade Shaving Shield (Soap)
Professor Blighty's Aftershaving Balm
Professor Blighty's Barbarian Blade Recovery Potion (AS)

Super smooth and super smelly!
A completely shameless plug for my own products! lol :lol:


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Wednesday Evening

Shavette + Gillette Bleue Extra (2)
Fido Dido
Prairie Creations soap + KMF Key Limes
Proraso splash

Very close shave...and no weepers (hurrah). Shavette still felt a bit awkward round the chin area, but left my neck feeling incredibly smooth (where I took the plunge and went ATG).
IanM said:
Vinny - Good luck mate. You'll be 'rate.

No problem m'oad.

Started off looking at having one tooth out and he offered root-canal work on the one next to it. Told him to take the other one out while he was at it to save arsing about. I won't miss 'em.


Over-rated in my opinion.
Thursday, 09-23-10. Black & White Music: Jonnhy Cash.

Soap from Alepo - Rooney 1/3 silvertip - Gillette English Aristocrat #21 - IP Personna #2 - Coates Sandalwood - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Grey Flannel + ASB T&H.


Gillette slim
Gillette 7 o'clock yellow
Vulvic 514
Erasmic stick
Niva ASB
Old spice

A good shave, most pleasant , nice retro vibe, the slim was a delight ( many thanks KRF1963 ) all in all top notch.

6/8 Royal Warmar, Palmolive soap, Simpsons Commodore X1, Boots Distilled Witch Hazel,
Body Shop White Musk For Men AS Balm, Body Shop White Musk For Men EDT


Azur M razor
Semogue 830
MB Woodland Pear
Oglallala bay rum, lime and peppercorn

Thought I'd give the Azur a run today, didn't give a closer shave as the sensor but also very little irritation as well giving me mixed feelings. The Ogallala is really growing on me now.
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