Shave of the Day 27th November - 3rd December 2021

This afternoon -

razor - Leaf Twig
blade - Nacet (2)
brush - Simpson Chubby 1 best
soap - Mickey Lee - Grand Havana
post - rosewater & glycerin
a/s - Extro Tabacco
balm - none needed.

All good. Away to marinade some chicken for later and bake some bread. Regular domestic fucking goddess me. - selah - I.
You need to have a word with whoever fitted your carpet!!
Wednesday 1st December

Soap • Palmolive Stick
Brush • Yaqi Chianti 24mm Synthetic
Razor • Razorock Hawk V3 (Standard)
Blade • Schick Proline P (1)
Post • Superdrug Forest Fresh Aftershave

Having sold my V3 with Standard and A plates some time ago, to make room for a Vector, I regretted it almost immediately.
I knew I had to have another V3, so posted a WTB. For few days, no positive replies, so I bit the bullet and bought a Standard V3 from Shaving Time.
Stone me if I haven't had three offers from Forum members since!!
The Standard plate is quite sufficient for my needs, although the A plate elevates efficiency just a touch. For now, the Standard plate will suffice, as it gets the job done well and is very smooth.

SOTD: 02/12/2021

Razor: Yaqi Excalibur
Blade: Kai Titan Mild Pink , 6th use
Brush: Yaqi Heavy Metal
Bowl: Dscosmetics Shaving Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Menrock Black Pomegranate Cream
Aftershave: Tom Ford Black Orchid EDT
Balm: Bart’s Balm Sample Balm
Post: Alum

Another superb shave from the Yaqi Excalibur and the under rated Men Rock cream. Genuinely one of the thickest smoothest lathers I get with ease. Throughly enjoyable shave and smell!
You good?
Razor = Feather AS-D2
Blade = Astra SP ( 2 )
Brush = Yaqi 24mm
Soap = Mitchell’s Wool Fat
Splash = Boots Freshwood
Balm = Boots Freshwood
Another Terrific shave tonight
I love these jars i bought, This one being the Boots The Chemist which on heinsite i should probably have the proper Mitchell’s Jar.
Nonetheless a wonderful 3 pass shave
Fri 3rd SOTD
Soap Yaqi Hypnotic Blue - New & 1st Use
Brush DS Cosmetics 26mm Badger
Razor RR GC.84 SB with Yaqi Razzo Rocket SS Handle
Blade KAI Stainless 3rd Use
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Yaqi Hypnotic Blue Splash New & 1st Use
I really like these Yaqi Soap & AS samples. Good size too and at USD$1 each delivered... wow! The lather is easy with good qualities. It was creamy, slick & a nice post-shave feel... the scent is nice but a bit mild...
The razor and blade pairing gives a very smooth, crisply efficient, and comfortable shave. 3passes for a bbs finish. Must admit this KAI blade is better than Feather...after 3 rounds...the gap difference is very noticeable.
The AS has a stronger scent...and very nice...even my SO commented which is a huge plus...So good to be able to test the soap & splash at a super cool price.