Shave den show-off (AKA: Bring out your stash!)

Burgundy said:
You've got some lovely fragrances, Paul. I haven't tried L'Anarchiste in a very long time, and AdP and Tam Dao are two of my favourites.

My current rotation now feels a bit sparse!

That is a small, but very classy rotation. I've wanted to try Chergui for quite a while, and your Vetiver is a classic too.

I think the Caron fragrances are fantastic value for money.

I like and wear all my EDTs and would buy most of them again except for:

Caron Yuzu - too mild. Nice scent but doesn't last
GFT Limes - gone in 60 seconds
Cerruti 1881 - doesn't smell good on me
JPG Kokorico - I probably would have loved it when I was 18. Too brash for me now.
Hugo Boss Red - inoffensive and a bit bland
MrK1 said:


Can I use your pics for 'At least I haven't got as much as him' when SWMBO moans?
Jesus Christ THIS!!!

Also Carl, you have issues, srsly.
I just googled 'having severe issues' and your avatar came up as the first result.

On the bright side, in light of the quote above, please go on and get more, so I have someone to compare with when I am trying to say what I am doing is totally sane!

(See honey, see THAT* guy, that's EXCESSIVE*, right? Me? Me, i'm just getting some bits and pieces, NOTHING* like HIM*)

*is during the powerpoint slide show I'll be making of his pics to ensure I dont like like a madman to the wife
Jeez Carl, that is some kinda fragrance collection,

Probably not much average stuff....better than that. Seeing those pics of em all together made me smile. Thanks.


Heh, you need to get the grand kid hooked somehow.
Greetings Paul

I see you have four Caron fragrances, you hear a lot about Yatagon (I have never tried anything from Caron) but little about the others, it would be interesting to hear your views on them.

Norfolkdick said:
Greetings Paul

I see you have four Caron fragrances, you hear a lot about Yatagon (I have never tried anything from Caron) but little about the others, it would be interesting to hear your views on them.


Hi Dick. I actually have five!

L'Anarchiste - I can't describe what this smells like (Basenotes will be much better than me) but it is very nice and reasonably long lasting.

Le Troisiemme Homme - this is in the same vein as Kouros. A very nice smell, but a little goes a long way and it can be overpowering if you're not in the right mood or put too much on.

Yatagan - a very nice 'wintry' fragrance. Again Basenotes will describe it far better than I can.

Pour Un Homme De Caron - Lavender and vanilla. You would have to like lavender to wear this, but they've blended it just right so it doesn't smell like your gran's handbag

Yuzu - a light summer fragrance. Doesn't last very long.

I'd buy all of them again apart from Yuzu. If I had to list my favourite it would probably be Yatagan which a midge's ball hair ahead of L'Anarchiste and Pour Un Homme.

Well - you wanted to see them! And there's a whole bunch more in-coming. It's a good job I stopped using expensive cartridges so I could save money to spend on this lot!
Wow, I took a photo earlier, but some of that other stuff is incredible. I feel like my stash is really modest now, thanks.

Well, I took the photo, so might as well post it. I had to chuck a load of t-shirts to free up this shelf for my software. The way it's going, I'll have to get rid of a few more.

The weird cardboard thing at the back was my daughter trying to help by making a mini shelf thing.

There's a bit more to go in, but nowhere to put it yet. Hardware is strewn all over. I'm thinking of putting up some metal bits to attach the magnetic tins from Ikea, maybe have some soaps hanging like stalactites.

Reactions: Fox

Thanks Paul

So the mainstream view that Yatagan is the one that people know Caron for is probably correct?

Regards Dick.

My single medicine cabinet of aftershaves and EDTs has overflowed now, but only the Clubman collection which has moved to behind my soaps. I think it's under control ... not that yours isn't, but I'll be happy for mine to grow a little.