Saturday 8th May to Friday 14th May 2021

Sunday 9th May

Soap - TDS Semyonich
Brush - Yaqi Chianti 24mm Synthetic
Razor - Razorock Hawk V3 Standard
Blade - Kai Pink Titan Mild (2)
Post - Superdrug Forest Fresh Aftershave

I braved the rather pungent Semyonich soap today, and really enjoyed it.
To my nose, it's a mixture of herbs of unknown origin, and very possibly the strongest scented soap I've used.
Scent aside, it performs way beyond it's price point.

This Kai Pink blade felt rough at first use, but second time out it was smooth as can be.
For it's next use I'll swap to the Hawk A pate.

if it can't be "sorted" it can at least be treated and managed.
One would hope so - but not in my case - pretty much my entire adult life has been affected by depression in one way, shape or form - I sought help - cbt didn't work - anti-depressant pills were even worse - I had to drop out of uni because of taking them. I've just learned to live with it - that's what I am like - it is part of me - I'm generally happy being me and it is part of what makes me - sometimes it is a real struggle to accomplish even the most basic tasks - but not always. Shaving in the way we do here helps a lot - my partner uses it as a barometer - if I have an 8 day growth - she knows I am down. The absolute key thing though is that we can say these things out loud. Talking is good - I.
Always here for you, Iain.
Yes, not all thing's work for all people, I had stop using some prescription drugs because it changed the essential me, ok that means I have to deal with depression without prescription drugs however for me it is a better option than the other me on prescription drugs. YMMV
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The beard barometer is spot on! Stay well.


Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Soap: TDS Rose Notes
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Sagrada Familia Tuxedo
Razor: Parker 22R Inerceptor
Blade: Tatra Platinum (2)
Post: Alum, TDS Rose Notes, Baxter of California Balm

Tatra blade through the Parker to ascertain compatibility. No noticeable increase in sharpness on day 2, and it did feel like I was having to work harder to get an even finish. However perfectly serviceable workday shave, and the TDS duo elevated it. I do however have a hankering for a Fry's Turkish Delight every time I get a waft of scent on moving my head!

Pre: hot face wash, proraso green preshave cream
Soap: Boellis Panama 1924
Brush: yaqi 24mm purple haze
Razor: Rockwell 6s R4
Blade: personna platinum #1
Post: cold water rinse, pinaud clubman

Thought I’d give the hawk few days of rest - so here’s back to Rockwell 6s and blade that I started my journey with - personna platinum.
it is amazing how much of a difference few short months can make - moving on from cartridges and canned goo at the end of January, until now, where I’m exclusively using soaps, brushes, and all kinds of amazing razors and blades.

at first, I didn’t like the personna platinum - felt it being a bit draggy, but decided to give it another outing now, that surely my prep, lather and technique have improved. It is a good blade, my opinion of it completely has changed. Together with Rockwell 6s provided effortless dfs in 3 passes.

also i must say - Rockwell 6s R4 feels like a little kitten now compared to blackbird, straight or the hawk v2. Feels as if I can throw it around the face without any problems lol.

Soap was excellent as always and provided loads of slickness whilst face lathering.

Have a good Monday gentlemen.
Today’s Shave.

Pre. ....... Proraso white
Soap ..... MDC Rose (sample)
Brush ..... Beehive
Razor .... Ikon b1/ windrose ss handle
Blade. .... GSB (2)
Post. .... Alum ,Hot/ cold face rinse ,
Asb. ...... Nivea replenish
ASL .... Floid Vigoroso

A 3 pass shave to a smoooth bbs finish .Razor and blade a great combo and the brush worked the MDC into a super lather. All in all a very good relaxed shave, finished off with a good splash of Floid.
Stay safe, keep smiling
Nice first post, and you're right about the Sagrada, it is a really nice brush
Mon 10 SOTD
Cream Saponificio Bignoli Black Berry & Moss
Brush Yaqi 24mm Purple Mink
Razor RR GC.84 SB
Blade Russia Astra Superior Stainless 2nd
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Stirling Witchhazel MitA + Hyaluronic + TGS Orange Empire
Very good lather from the cream. Pleasant mild scent with great creamy and slick qualities...
Shave with razor paired with the blade was very smooth and comfortable for 3passes without any issues resulting in a mostly bbs finish. Can feel the blade is somehow smoother and sharper! Excellent shave capped off by excellent aftershaves.