
Well that is both of them tried! I must say they are both really nice - thankyou soapalchemist!

Today with my 1st try of the warm Spice i muddled through a shave the same as i had mentioned above with the Sandalwoody, but decided at the end it was time to do some serious practise. The 1st attempt after the shave......thick creamy lather from both soaps! Typical huh....? Well i now know for future. It would seem that Nanny's soaps need a lot less water than any other i have tried to get the cramy lather.

Anyway, thanks all.
Well, I have been following Tony's progress - or lack of it - with interest, and a modicum of dismay. However, never let it be said that I do not respond to my buying public and their needs. So I have been working on my recipe - again - and have introduced a little stearic acid (less then 3%), as well as tweaking the quantities of some of the other ingredients.
I do believe there is a noticable improvement, so am going to send Tony a tin to put it to the acid test. Hopefully, he will be kind enough to post some feed back as to whether he has any better luck with it.
It has to be said that it looks rather odd....imagine one of those cakes done with the icing all a darkish cream colour.....but if the foam does the job, hopefully it's somewhat unique appearance will be forgiven. Rest assured, with a few uses, is will look perfectly normal.
It is in the Citrus Zinger scent which was very popular in previous incarnation, and to anyone who asked when the new batch would be ready, apologies for delay....due in part to experiments which produced varied and downright odd results, and due in part to work going a bit mad (the day job), and spending far too much time in the office and not enough with my soap pot.
Once again, into the valley of death and all that.......
Don't be dismayed! As i have said i am almost certain that it is user error, and the experiences from others would also suggest this.

If you do end up sending me your new formulation, i will certainly post here and comment on how it is compared to my experiences with the others. But as said, i may just be being a newbie mong :lol:

hunnymonster said:
It's probably his untrustworthy foreign water :D

Damn Johnny foreigner and his rotten water :lol:

(Actually seems quite nice - i was on course in worthy down for a week before Xmas, and the water there tastes.....well like it has come from a puddle in a barn!)
Right, i have tried Nanny's new formulation for the first time this morning. (I PM'd my 1st impressions pre shave to her last night).

I found this lathered so much better! It kept all the great qualities from her earlier soaps, the slickness which you can feel as you are rinsing between passes etc.

20/30 seconds loading the soap after it has been soaking with a teaspoon ish of warm water on it and slightly more water on the brush than the other soaps. (I got round this by soaking the brush as per normal, shaking out and then just re-dipping the tips of the hairs very quickly back into the water). This brush load lasted 5 and a bit passes! I only really needed to do my normal 4 + touch up, but hey, i was enjoying myself! :D

For anyone who likes the citrus scent, this soap smells awesome!

The soap itself is stickier than the earlier soaps, and can look a tad funky in the tin...however, using the back of a warm moist spoon compresses it all together nicely.

Sharon, for me....this is the best of yours i have tried! ;)
Glad to hear you're having better luck with this one AJP. And also glad you liked the new tin. The current batch of Citrus Zinger will be in the old tins, as I only had one of the new ones. However, now that your approval has confirmed my own feelings, I have put in an order for the new tins and will be using them in future.
Well this morning, having had a good shave with the new formulation, i went back to give the old formula Warm Spice soap a try to see if i had any more luck.

I have found with this that after a (relatively short) period of time, the lather in the scuttle and in the brush goes very airy - foamy in fact. Why would this be? At first, the lather seems like it is going to be thick and slick having heavily loaded the brush, but then it turns. Has anyone else experienced this? What am i doing to make it go like this?

Once the lather has started to change to this, i can't get it to be stable at all and then it just fades on the face.

(In my opinion, for me, the new version is better and this hasn't happened to me with it yet). Really frustrating, especially as everyone else seems to be able to get a long lasting lather from it...!
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