S.O.T.D. Saturday 7th - Friday 13th March 2015, incl.

joe mcclaine said:
Burgundy said:
Gillette NEW & Rapira
Thäter 4125/1 2-band
Mennen Skin Bracer

Sampled Chanel Égoïste and Guerlain Habit Rouge edt today. Égoïste is a likely purchase.

Nice stuff is Egoiste. Smells a lot like Trumpers Sandalwood. I'd try that before splashing out on the Chanel.
Cheers for the heads up. I won't be buying any new frags for a few months yet but I'll make a trip to Trumpers when I'm next in the Big Smoke.
Shave for 8 March

Monday morning:

Hot shower
T&H Number 10
Bodyshop synthetic brush
Apollo Slant with Weber bulldog handle
Rapira Swedish Supersteel
Nivea sensitive ASB

Good shave.
Monday 9th March

Neutrogena Glyc Bar
Omega 11126
MWF face lather
Gem Push Button
Gem S/S [ 4 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
La Toja A/S lotion.

On 4 with blade, loaded into Push Button. Very good irritation free shave. Am trying to
determine ,when more effort is needed to get a good shave with a blade.

Monday 9th March 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick Adjustable
Blade: Schick Super Stainless Plat. Edge NOS
Brush: Semogue OC 2 Band
Soap: Vitos Extra Super
Aftershave: Brut 33 Musk


Monday morning:

Joseph Elliot's Best Silver 6/8” Wedge
Simpsons Chubby 2, Best Badger
Neil Miller-2.5"Latigo Leather
D.R. Harris Marlborough, soap
D.R. Harris Marlborough ASL

Last nights shave :
Arko stick
Omega 49
PAL injectomatic
Personna (1)
Adidas pure game as
BS MR Face protector

Nice little shaver the PAL and I've forgotten just how good the Arko stick is.

Bulldog Face Wash
Old Spice Shaving Soap
Barbershop Pure Bristle Brush
Gillette Twinjector - Gillette Twin (1)
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Old Spice Aftershave

Face Lathered
Two Pass - WTG & XTG

Old Spice shaving soap has been on my bucket list for a good while and I finally got around to picking one up the other day. What a fantastic scent! Lovely soap, lovely mug, lovely experience. Not the best, but certainly up there. Lathered up with that Barbershop boar, just the ticket!

Smooth and efficient with the Gillette Twinjector and a fresh vintage Gillette twin blade, all in all a superb shave! While the soap might not be the best, I am of no doubt that Old Spice Aftershave is THE best aftershave ...
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: S.M.Novella pre-shave
Soap: Grandstaff - Holy Smokes
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements
Brush: Mervyn 24mm silvertip
Razor: Merkur Progress @2, 1.5, 1
Blade: Sputnik (1)
After: Floid Black AS, Sandalwood Skin Food

Holy Smokes gives much less irritation (skin slightly red but no burning sensation) if I don't use hot water. Only need a small amount of soap for this thirsty lather. Powerful smoky scent and great skin conditioning. Scent goes really well with Floid AS. Actually my favourite Grandstaff soap is Illipe & Cocoa Butter - that'll be for tomorrow.
Sputnik blade definitely more suited to this Progress razor than yesterday's Rubie and gave me an easy BBS

Have a great day, folks.

Monday 9 March 2015

Monday 9 March 2015


Mastro Livi K720, 7/8 Full Hollow, Square Point

I am getting ready to go back home and, before packing, I shaved with this Mastro Livi K720 straight razor, so smooth and velvety, a lovely caress on the skin. I love its square point, very effective in giving a precise shave with just a simple touch. I also used the popular Omega 48 bristle brush - the shaving brush of professional barbers - big and effective, capable of mounting lather with no efforts at all. A generous splash of my Bay Rum aftershave, and now I am ready to go.​

  • Pre-Shave: Roberts Distilled Rose Water
  • Soap: Aquagena
  • Brush: Omega 48
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi K720, 7/8 Full Hollow, Square Point
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: RazorGuy Bay Rum
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