S.O.T.D. Saturday 6th May to Friday 12th May 2017


Razor - Vintage Gibbs Adjustable
Blade - Nacet (3)
Brush - Stirling 2-band fan
Post - Allum and Witch hazel
A/S - Myrsol Agua Balsamica
Balm - Spanish aloe vera gel
Parfum - Creed Bois de Portugal.

Result - lovely, perfect. It's been - relatively - warm here and I chose the soap and a/s on that basis. Light, fresh and herby scents were the order of the day. I hadn't paired the Myrsol with the UKWSS soap before but it was a no-brainer really. They dove-tail beautifully. The Gibbs is a wonderful razor - mild in use but highly effective for me. I think I'll toss the Nacet and adapt another blade for it's next run out. So - away to meet my best friend for a pint in the West End. We shall artfully and gracefully nose dive into a vat of Furstenburg and generally set the world to rights. Oh - I smell nice too - but for £120 a bottle so I should. Enjoy your shaves gentlemen. Cheers - I
Tuesday 9th May 2017

Pre Shave: Hot Shower, L'Oreal Pure Power Face Wash and Proraso White
Razor: iKon 101 + OSS Handle
Blade: Astra SS (#1)
Brush: Mason Pearson Super Badger
Cream: Taylors of Old Bond St. Mr Taylors
Post: Alum Block, Cold water and Humphrey's Witch Hazel
AS: Nivea Originals balm.

First shave with an Astra SS, I have used the Astra SP many times and really like them, so far the Astra SS seems very good. The Mason Pearson and the Taylors cream are well matched, copious amounts of great lather.

A shave only made possible due to the generosity of members from 'the other place.
Finally got round to using the Schick Twin blades gifted to me by @halvor and a sample of L&L Harmony soap gifted to me by @p.b Thank you both, appreciate the very kind gesture.

The soap needed a lot of water. It started off like a paste and went stringy and after more water and a lot of work, it finally work turned to a good lather. The scent is nice and mellow. It's an incense based and does linger after the shave. There was plenty of cushion and slickness.
Unfortunately had some irritation from the soap went thankfully didn't last long after the shave.

The Twin blade worked well. I started off on setting 5 but moved up to setting 7 after the first pass. A good close shave.

SOTD 10/5/17

Hot Towel, Phoenix & Beau Star Noir, Cadman 26mm Silvertip, The Raptor Shavette, Astra SS (2), Cold Towel

I threw in a control shave today in among my BBA testing, to make sure my 'palette' is clean so to speak and give an honest answer to my testing questions. Todays shave was very good indeed, 3rd day on the trot using a shavette, 3rd day on the trot with no drama. Nicely scented and my skin feels good.