S.O.T.D. Saturday 5th December to Friday 11th December 2015

After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

1964 rebranded Macys silvertip flopmeister
'Kaily'/Personna Super Stainless (NOS from no idea when)
Mrysol Emulsion
Givenchy 'Xeryus' EdT (vintage black bottle)

Finally got off the crazy F Train. Yeah, that old Schick can be habit forming. Popped a fresh blade in the DE razor and it was a good decision. Cripes, I have been pretty unsuccessful at not using this shaving cream a bunch recently. It ain't too bad.

BBS results,

Afternoon shave in Oaxaca:
Ikon Shavecraft 102
Mystic Water Coconut Lime Verbena
Sears Gonzo
Añeja Lavanda

Shower w/Trumper's Eucris Shower Gel
Trumper's Eucris Shaving Soap
Ever Ready 100T Purtech
Face Lathered
Radio 1912
GEM Stainless (3)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)
Hot Rinse, Cold RInse & Alum Wash
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal Aftershave Splash
Trumper's Eucris EDT
Fancy Black (via bouk2509) Attar (Wrists)
SOTD - Weds
Pre: Village Barber oil
Soap: Ginger's Garden "British Empire" (Tallow)
Brush: Pav "Chieftain" Hobo-coin 24mm 2-band
Razor: Merkur Digress
Blade: Gillette "Spoiler" (5)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel followed by Figaro Monsieur Gold splash & Village Barber balm

Wednesday 9th December 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick Adjustable
Blade: Personna Stainless Coated
Brush: Semogue OC 2012 SE Mixed
Soap: Palmolive Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Tom Ford Extreme


Last edited:
Wed 9th December
Kent Infinity Silvertex
OSP Bay Rum
ER 1914
Gem S/S [ 3 ] & 1/2 Spine Shim
Alum Rub/Aqua Velva.

Forgot how good this razor was, aided by a slick lather it is possible to get such easy polishing passes, that the shave was almost BBS. For me with a heavy beard, this sort of result is quite rare.

Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Fat Handled Tech
Blade - Perma-Sharp Super (#4 and out)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS+

I enjoyed using the Tech again so much that I think I'll stay with it for a while, maybe the rest of the month. The blade could probably have gone another couple of shaves but due to a recent flare-up, I'm going to change them a little sooner than normal as I don't to take any chances of a return.
Really fantastic result, not a nick or sign of stubble or irritation.
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