S.O.T.D. Saturday 4th March to Friday 10th March 2017

North East.UK
SOTD: 4th March 2017.
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: hot shower:/Cien: “Sport” shower gel & Shampoo/ warm wet flannel to my face.


3 Drops of Wilkinsons Shaving Oil: / Fruits: Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush: Chinese Unbranded Synthetic.

Cream : The Body Shop-Maca Root.

Blade: Super-max Super Stainless. (new)

Razor: Parker 92R.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Lavender oil & Witch Hazel Mixture./Brut:Oceans A/S.

Tesco Sensitive Fragrance Free Body Lotion.

Good morning,
a new set up to start the weekend, the blade of choice for the week was originally going to be voshkod teflon coated, but as i went to my blade storage box i noticed the super-max super stainless, realised i had yet to try them out, so it's my first maiden shave with them..what's the verdict?..overall pretty good,they probably will only give you 2 good shaves IMHO,but for me it doesn't matter what ever blade i use, i only have two shaves,then its binned...i have near 400+ various blades to contend with.
A nice 3 pass + pick ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report.
My face feels smooth & refreshed to start the weekend.Enjoy your day,ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
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image.jpg SOTD 4th March

Razor..Gillette Fat Boy 1960 set on 5
Blade..Polsilver Stainless (Lodz) #2
Soap..Fine Itallan Citrus
Brush..Semouge 2000
Post..Thayers lavender
EDT...Acqua Classica, Borsari.

A fab weekend shave with the Fat Boy, the Fine soap was very good indeed, strong citrus with a touch of musk and lathered well with great slide. This brush is a joy to use.

Have a great weekend......

If you're a fan of floral scents, this just might be heaven in a tin to you.
Saturday 4th March
Heno de Pravia glycerine soap - Pre-shave
LEA Menthol Shaving Cream
Chinese Silvertip Fibre
Rocnel MD SE-P
½ Rapira Swedish Supersteel #2
Rinse > Alum > Rinse
Alcolado Glacial Splash
Gillette Pro 3in1 Balm

Nice steady menthol buzz from the LEA cream coupled with a good sharp blade in the heavy Rocnel gave another outstanding shave.

Hope yours go as well.........
04.03.17 - Shave of the Day.jpg

Saturday 4 March

Pre-Shave - Hot shower and Proraso Red pre-shave
Bowl - Rabbit food bowl from my local farm shop
Cream - TOBS Sandalwood
Brush - Vilfux Simpsons Synthetic
Razor - Merkur Futur (setting 2)
Blade - Polsilver SI
Post-Shave - Proraso Red

I have today found out what an aggressive razor is! Very smooth but I received 3 or 4 little nicks and cuts. I am not sure my technique is good enough for the Merkur Futur. Back to the Edwin Jagger until my technique is far far better.
Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
Japanese Atlas Quarter Hollow 7/8th
Hans Baier Silver Tip
Valobra Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I had a Super Close Shave this Morning with My Atlas 7/8th..I See a Lot of Near Wedge Custom SRs that Don't Look as Impeccably Ground as this Japanese Production Razor..A Belter of a Chopper with a Laser Like Edge..;)

I am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..:D

Saturday 3/4/17

Jojoba and Grapeseed oil preshave
Plisson Synthetic brush
L.A. Shaving Soap Co. Vanilla/Eucalyptus/Mint soap
GEM Lather Catcher razor
CVS SE blade
Thayers Unscented witch hazel
Jean Paul Gaultier aftershave
Every Man Jack Fragrance Free balm


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Saturday 4th...

Soap - The Gentleman's Groom Room Highland Bothy
Brush - Semogue 1470
Face lather
Razor - Fatip Piccolo
Blade - Astra SP #1
Post - Thayer's
Smell - Geo. Trumper's Eucris EdT

Close encounter of the Fatip kind. Smooth and effortless, with two days whiskers consigned to history. The smoky, cedary vetiver in the soap goes well with the dark, almost Gothic oakmoss in the Eucris. Max Schreck in Murnau's 1922 Nosferatu should have worn this (chronologically, it makes sense; Eucris came about in 1912).
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