S.O.T.D. Saturday 26th December 2015 to Friday 1st January 2016

SOTD: 28th December 2015

Kanayama Cordovan 50000 | Filarmonica #14 "Especial Para Barbas Duras" 7/8+ | Druida "Chubbic"
Eufros/Jabonman: "Brisa de Oriente" | SV: Shea Butter

After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

vintage butterscotch Marshall Fields rebranded Simpsons best
Schick M type adjustable/Schick Twin (NOS)
Myrsol Emulsion
Givenchy 'Xeryus' EdT (old black bottle)

Probably at least the 6th shave on this blade and about done. Two days worth of whiskers still easy whacked away but with a hint of tugging now. Heh, see if I can change razors tomorrow instead of just loading a new blade. Great combo I gotta say.

More now vintage XPEC abuse....screw it! Only so many shaves up my sleeve and why not use whatever the heck I want. Plus finding a little extra makes me talk bolder than I really am most times. Excellent performance and the scent has got my number real good. Post shave thing is right up there.

BBS results,

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Bulldog Face Wash
Ever Ready Shaving Stick
Ever Ready Pure Bristle No.1
Face Lathered
Vincent & Feather Cut (2)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Old Spice Original Aftershave
Al Afdal Black Leather Attar (Wrists)
Traveling shave, spending a couple of days with the wife in Newcastle.
Lider cream
WD 24mm synthetic
Bog standard Gillette Tech.
Gillette silver blue
Nivea moisturiser
Beckham instinct EDT (Xmas gift, but it's not that bad!)

Cracking quick 2pass shave. Can't beat traveling with a tech!
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso - Sandalwood
Soap: NSS - Warm Spice
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: Vie-Long Horse Hair 13061M
Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable @7
Blade: Sputnik (1)
After: WH, Pur-est Spice AS, Zirh Soothe ASB

Soothing spicy shave using my birth year razor on my birthday. Great hardware, great software, great day. Hope you have one too.

Happy birthday
Farewell to the Futur!!

Back at work tomorrow so I'm giving the Merkur Futur back to my colleague and pal who loaned it to me.

Barrister & Mann Seville
Mekur Futur Satin
Personna 74 (19)
Shavemac TSR LE 2 Band Badger Silvertip
Fine American Blend
Took a reluctant break from the OneBlade today...and used my also recently acquired King Cobra.
It provided a very, very nice shave this morning. Clean and close. It is for sure more aggressive than the OneBlade and I don't feel as if I can completely 'relax' during the shave as there's always a chance it'll bite. But, with some care and attention this is a razor that for sure delivers. I am also becoming a real fan of the handle and see zero reason for me to change it out for something else.

Other stuff used:
Muhle shaving cream - pleasant scent but after having used it 2-3 times now I don't think the performance justifies a purchase in the future (this one was a gift)
eShave brush: Really, really love this handle and the knot is a champ - soft, some backbone and haven't shed a hair
Florida Water: A classic. Always a good finish to my shave

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