S.O.T.D. Saturday 26th December 2015 to Friday 1st January 2016

Great shave.
Merkur M II

First shave of the New Year, hopefully not the way things will continue. It was a "can't argue with results" kind of shave , close with no irritation. The "problem" is this Shavemac custom brush unfortunately.
My wife got it for me as a Christmas present away back at the beginning when I didn't know anything about brushes let alone her . This should have been a 30mm knot but it's actually a 34mm. I suppose we felt bigger and more expensive was the way to go but alas it wasn't.
As beautifully made and decadent looking this brush is, it's just far to big of a knot. It was a custom made gift and as you can see is personalised. It just absorbs all put in front of it, a lather hog of the highest order.
A little of this cream goes a long way and the amount I used would normally be enough to do 3 passes and touch ups. I got 1 pass and a bit but it was enough. I suppose it will be a very expensive den ornament.
I may contact Shavemac and ask them if there is anything they can do with the existing knot and handle, who knows!
Boo hoo , poor me! :)

Penhaligon's Sartorial Shave Cream
Shavemac Custom "Der Kaiser" Brush
Stealth Slant
Personna 74 (21)
Penhaligon's Sartorial Edt
Penhaligon's Sartorial Deodorant Stick
Maybe a cheap tube of cream and use the whole lot in one shave lol
Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Ball-End Tech
Blade - Gillette Silver Blue (#4 and out)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Beer Soap Brewing Co. Spearmint & Eucalyptus
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS

Well that's my first shave of 2016 and I hope they continue like this.
The B.B.C soap was lingering at the bottom of my box and hadn't seen much of 2015. It's a great artisan product and smells just like Wrigley's gum. I'll be using it more often this year.
After having used my Fat Handled Tech all through December, I wanted to give the Ball End a go to see if it really was as I thought, slightly more aggressive, which I now believe it is.

Happy New Year to everyone and best wishes for 2016.
Well , Sainsbury's are doing the nivea cream for £2 a tube. If I used a quarter of a tube each time and got 4 shaves out of it , that would still represent better value than the canned Gillette goo!
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