S.O.T.D. Saturday 25th March to Friday 31st March 2017

Maybe try another pack before you give up on them altogether......normaly very good blades but as you say YMMV

Yes, perhaps a bit rash to give up after 1 pack. I will get some more and try again. I must admit I was surprised. I have used Gillette Silver Blues for years, with no issues - an excellent blade.
Happy birthday - hope the head is in a better place. How did you find the Hone 15? I have a 15a which I am enjoying, I was wondering how the brass version works. Cheers, Chris.
I have both the soap and A/s en route! Can't wait to try them, they seem to be getting grand reviews.
Too quick tonight:

MFG Holley 6/8 near-wedge.
RazoRock synth.
P&B Albion.
Homemade pre-shave, lavender.
Extro Pirate.
(in no particular order)

Had to rush as someone was knocking the door. Generally untidy feeling but tidy looking so it'll do. Not more than 1 pass so can reapproach sooner next time - will probably have another shave in the next couple of days.

A poor shave to end a sub-par day. Hope it's been better for y'all!
I have both the soap and A/s en route! Can't wait to try them, they seem to be getting grand reviews.
Both very good indeed
great picture.....I hope tomorrow is a better day for you
Happy birthday - hope the head is in a better place. How did you find the Hone 15? I have a 15a which I am enjoying, I was wondering how the brass version works. Cheers, Chris.

@Ferry-shave Hi Chris, thanks for the birthday wishes. My head is on the mend.

I liked the Hone very much. There were two things which went against it though.
I found it too heavy and too mild. Saying that, it wasn't as mild as I was expecting and as for the weight. I did get used to the weight.
I do have tough stubble so if you (or anyone else) is thinking about buying the Brass version and your stubble isn't too tough it's worth strong consideration.
Also before I move on. I thought the Hone was very, very smooth. Just a shame it was too mild.

You mentioned you own the aluminum Hone. I went from the Brass Hone straight to the Colonial General SE, which is also an aluminum razor (I'm sure you know this but just in case).
I found the weight and maneuverability of the General to be outstanding.
This is my first SE razor so I'll still experimenting with blades. Again this razor is very smooth. In fact too smooth. What I mean by that is I tend to over shave and ended up with some irritation in a few areas. This is something I haven't done with any other razor. It's early days though.

I hope this helps?
Last edited:

Date: 28 March 2017

Brush: - Semogue SOC Boar in Cherry Wood 24/55mm
Lather: - Squadron Soap - Dutch Resistance (made in Australia)
Bowl: - Omega Via Barberia Ceramic Shaving Bowl
Razor: - Feather Artist Club SS Shavette (folding)
Blade: - Kai Captain Titan Mild Blade #4
Post Shave: - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent / Australian Private Reserve 'Alfredus Choice' Aftershave Splash