S.O.T.D. Saturday 18th May to Friday 24th May 2013

Prep: Shower
Scuttle: Schwarzweisskeramik
Razor: J Magnol 'Special Barbes Dures' 5/8" quarter-half hollow
Brush: Thater 4125/00 2-band fan
Soap: Nanny's Silly Soap Company 'Coriander & Goats Milk'
Astringent: Osma Alum
Balm: Woods of Windsor
Eau de Toilette: Woods of Windsor

Notes: Quick & easy shave, close & smooth.
Evening, gents.


Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: Super Max SMX 3
Blade: Super Max SMX 3 Cartridge (1)
Brush: Ecotools Kabuki
Shave soap: Monsavon
A/S: Pashana Bay Rum
Cologne: Baby Blue Jeans

Trying out the Supermax cartridges from Savers. Quick and visually very acceptable shave, though less close than I've become used to. The Cologne's great despite the stupid name.
Prep: Cold Water Splash
Razor: Aristocrat #15
Blade: 7 O'Clock Black (1)
Brush: Neep 26mm (48mm Loft) Stone Extra Silvertip #1283
Soap: Lea
Post: Proraso Menthol Post Cream
Aftershave: Spieck Splash

A very nice, 2 pass, cold water, face lather shave
Prep face wash L'Occitane cedarwood soap
Razor Ryujin Tamahagane Dragon God
Strop Kanayama cordovan #8000
Brush Simpsons chubby 1 in super
Mitchell's woolfat
Alum & witch hazel
Una Brennan neroli moisturiser
Guerlain vetiver Edt

What chance would you give give your whiskers if they came up against a Dragon God, there was only one outcome, Dragon 1 - 0 whiskers.

Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Pensoftheforest/Neep custom
Razor: DORKO
Soap: Castle Forbes Lime
AS: Pinuad
Edt: Penhaligon's Castile
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Uberclean

I love this brush, everything checks in, for me + the blade ain't too chabby
Sunday ixx May, 2013

A Remembrance Shave this morning. Today would have been my Dad's 73rd birthday, but unfortunately we lost him just over a week ago. Earlier in the year I commissioned a custom brush for him from Rodney Neep.

I shaved with it this morning, using his shaving soap too. Cathartic and poignant describes the experience. Anyway for the record.

Also a first outing for the Heljestrand. A fine tool.

Happy Sunday to you all


Sunday 19th May 2013
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick Adjustable
Blade: Gillette Platinum Plus
Brush: Vulfix 404 Mixed
Soap: Tabac stick grated into a container
Aftershave:Astral Cream (light)

Took delivery yesterday of this Schick Injector which is NOS.

I am very pleased with it. It is a little heavier than my other Schick's, I seemed to need to set it on a fairly high setting for it to cut well, exactly as I had to do with the PAL Adjustable, I shaved with it on six but I suspect fully open on eight might be better. It certainly appears to be a kind forgiving and easy to use razor especially with these excellent blades that Martin sent me.

Does anybody know which model it is? It has M41 stamped on the head/frame and it does not have the blade protection system for travelling; M1 M2 or M3 ?


Greetings Jon

Very relevant and poignant, a wonderful razor and I love the farthing in the bottom of the brush, although I am ten years younger than your late Father I can remember spending them in the sweet shop to buy Fruit Salad and Black Jack chews which cost a farthing each!


Thanks Dick... the brush is beautiful. Rod had some elm burl from which he fashioned a simple barrel shape as below.

All the best,

This morning:

Prep: Shower, and face wash with Palmolive soap
Razor: Gillette Rocket HD
Blade: Israel Personna Red (4th and last day)
Brush: Vero boar
Creme: Palmolive Classic
Aftershave: Nivea Sensitive

Two passes, and some touch-ups around the mouth.

I can see a man with a mask covering most of his face apart from the tip of his nose and mouth. His left eye is looking directly at the razor.

Pre Marsella soap + vintage Williams Aqua Velva shaving cream + Frank Shaving Finest + Merkur-Pearl Frankenrazor with Croma #1 + Aqua Velva splash, balm and cologne

Today, a full Aqua Velva shave!

Nice to return here after moving from my city to another. Still near the beach, hehe!

Saturday evening

Gillette face wash
Proraso pre
TOBS sandalwood soap
New Forest 1901
GEM Junior SE
GEM SE blade
Alum/witch hazel
Old spice AS
C&E Nomad EDT

My first ever SE shave and it turned out fine, thanks to Hairykopite for the BST GEM Junior

Also used the TOBS soap for the first time and tried soaking the puck in the dish having watched Voltstick's video the other day - loads of luxurious lather given my ultra hard Norfolk water

Just need to work on technique a bit as the difficult jaw line area was still a little rough afterwards but a very good SE beginning - also purchased a 1912 ER this week just want to scratch all these itches! - need an OC and to try and find a Schick Injector then I may need to stop buying for a while - SHMBO starting to look worried when the postman arrives!

Playing my dream football match tonight on the hallowed Carrow Road turf (sadly only in a corporate event) but as I gave up playing veterans football about 5 years ago I think. May ache a little on Monday!

Have a good day everyone!

Hey buddy what's doin,

Good to hear this set up fits you better than the L/Twinjector combo that was recently so gruesome to read about. That shave almost made me cry....heh. That's a real purty razor you got there.

Man, I can't imagine using those blades set on #6 as you liked and it'll probably be fine opened up all the way. My usual setting for blades is #4, but for those Gillettes I dial the Schick down to three.

Anyway, congrats on the handy addition to your shaving arsenal.

Having zoomed in on the photograph and examined it carefully, I can now see what I think Rob is seeing as a marked man. Doesn't jump at me at all though - figuratively or literally .

This morning:

Prep: Cold rinse
Razor: Ford & Medley 7/8 wedge, palm wood
Brush: Neep #955 soapstone ball and bobbin silvertip
Soap: Taylor's Jermyn Street

Greetings Martin

I may just have done you a great injustice with regard those Twinjector blades.

I have just carefully examined the blade that I claimed was awful and it has three 'dinks' in the upper blade and the lower blade is completely dull. I very carefully removed it from the razor with the use of a dummy injector blade that came with the new razor and was mindful not to drag it across the blade stop. It is well and truly buggered and I can only assume that I must have damaged it during fitting it!

I have loaded a fresh one into the same razor and will shave with it tomorrow, I have examined it with a magnifying glass and it looks perfect!

There could be a humble apology forthcoming tomorrow Martin. :angel:
