S.O.T.D. Saturday 16 January to Friday 22 January 2016


Saturday 16th January 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: PAL Injectomatic
Blade: Gillette Plat. Plus NOS
Brush: Semogue OC 2 Band
Soap: Palmolive Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDP: Serge Lutens Chergui


No photo, but a lovely shave

Bowl lathered vintage Old Spice with a Vie Long horse hair brush
Standard razor with Personna Blue
Bay Rum AS
Bay Rum Nivea blam
Lord Attar EDT
Proraso Red
Omega boar
Astra SP
Proraso White ASB

Another lovely shave with Proraso. Seriously considering giving it exclusive shelf space in the bathroom. Will be using it exclusively for the next couple of weeks to see how it fares.
Preshave: hot shower
Brush: SOC Cherry Handle
Soap: Taylor of Old Bond Street
Razor: Slim Handle British Tech
Blade: Voshkhod Teflon
Aftershave: Prorazo Blue


3 passes, WTG, XTG ear to nose and XTG nose to ear.

I'm trying out different blades at the moment, so I'm using the Tech as it is highly effective but also quite mild. Quite pleased with the Voshkhod, very mild and forgiving, which is why I was tempted into 3 passes and a touch up pass. No cuts but I shouldn't have done the touch up; I ended up with a small patch of razor burn on my jaw. I went off TOBS a while ago, but I've got a full bowl so I need to use it! This is the set up I going to continue with while I'm testing blades.
I forgot what a blade felt like on my skin.


• AlumiGoose
• Feather Pro (19)
• RazoRock Plissoft "7"
• Soap Commander Fortitude
• Barrister & Mann Leviathan

There's a special bit of enjoyment I have with this RazoRock Plissoft brush. Seeing this profile in mass production always reminds me of the birth of the Elite7 design that Bob Quinn of Elite Razors & I worked on over 3 years ago. Yes, it's a simple tweak to the Simpson's M7, but I really love these proportions and especially the double ring.

Getting back to the AlumiGoose was nice, but it's been awhile since I've felt that much blade on my face. There's something great about a mild & efficient razor like the OneBlade. That said, the Mongoose will take no prisoners when engaged in stubble warfare.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Hone 15
Vintage Wilkinson Sword Sharp Edge Blade
Semogue 830
Iris Hantverk Sandalwood
I have to say I'm enjoying both the Hone and the Hantverk bowl ( the soap is so-so, could have a bit more fragrance for my taste, but lathers well enough) - the bowl fits perfectly in the hand and doesn't slip, it also feels warm to the touch. Very weird as its concrete.
Saturday AM 01-16-2016

Georgetown Pottery G5 scuttle
Shavemac Blue Marble 2-Band Silvertip (27mm/54mm)
Pinaud Clubman shaving soap
Delta Echo 'Stealth' Feather AS-D2/Triad 'Satin' Aristocrat
Gillette 'Swede' (1)
Armani Acqua di Giò aftershave
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