S.O.T.D. Saturday 14th January to Friday 20th January 2017


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Prep: Hot shower
Pre: S.M.Novella pre-shave
Soap: Speick stick - grated into bowl
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: Muhle 23mm Kosmo synthetic
Razor: Merkur 45c Bakelite
Blade: Nacet (3)
After: WH, Floid Vigoroso AS, Bluebeard's Revenge ASB

This razor and blade combination feels a bit too scratchy on the face for me but does deliver excellent results; but then again, these blades can cut a crocodile in half.
Happy Sunday everyone.

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Sunday 15 January 2017


Mastro Livi RWL34, 8/8 Full Hollow, Snake Point

Whenever I shave with a RWL34 stainless steel straight razor made by Mastro Livi, I have always the same impression: I like this steel and I absolutely like the way Mastro Livi works this steel and turn it into the shaving paradise. This razor has everything I look for in a blade: superb shaving performance with a super smooth and close shave as well as the right balance between aggressiveness and smoothness. I also love the Mastro Livi eco-silvertip shave brush I used today, in my opinion one of the very best synthetic lofts around, a great performer in lathering and caressing the skin. Today I was in the mood for a special fragrance so I used the 4711 Original Eau de Cologne Aftershave - I love the 4711 fragrance - and, besides the lovely scent, it is also a good aftershave.​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Mystic Water Marrakesh
  • Brush: Mastro Livi Perugia Eco-Silvertip, Stabilized Popal, 24mm Knot
  • Bowl: Old Barber Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Medium Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi RWL34, 8/8 Full Hollow, Snake Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: 4711 Original Eau de Cologne Aftershave
Sunday 15th January
OSP Grapefruit & Menthol
Semogue 620
General w/Feather Pro Super #1
Rinse > Alum > Rinse
Alcolado Glacial Menthol Splash
Lacura Body Moisturiser

The Semogue is my first boar brush and now I'm annoyed I haven't tried one earlier. After soaking and hand lathering twice with some Erasmic soap. It's starting to bloom nicely. It whipped up the OSP easily.
The General is my first 'Modern' SE. What attracted me to it was the similar design to one of my favourite DE's the Standard.
I'm unfamiliar with the 50mm blades. Experience will determine which I prefer. The Feather Pro Supers that @Dharte001 included with the General were sharp but really smooth, so there was no drama. Result was superb and I'm pleased as punch.

See you all at the next one :)
Prep - Noxzema / Hot towel
Pre shave - Proraso
Razor – ‘The Rock' ( 3 )
Blade – Astra S/P
Brush - The 'Americana' (Shavemac 24/48 D01 2 Band)
Soap – Tallow+Steel – Rainforest
Post - Cold water rinse, Witch Hazel, Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion

after another 60 hr week, and a very quick, but enjoyable mid week shave with the Sensor/Burts Bees combo... 'The 'Americana'/Tallow+Steel (Rainforest) combo laid the foundation for a delightful, 2 pass, BBS shave with ‘The Rock'/Astra S/P... Simply Divine!
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Sunday AM 2017-01-15

Georgetown Pottery G12 scuttle
Paladin Chief
Martin de Candre shaving soap
Feather AS-D2/UFO Colibri
Wilkinson Light Brigade (7)
Houbigant Yama aftershave (vintage)

A very good shave. The Chief has less backbone and softer tips than I expected, and it was quite comfortable to use. It lathered the soap well (but the MdC is always easily lathered) and rinsed out quickly. It is very similar to the Korn D7 that I just sold. The soap had its familiar muddy lavender fragrance. And the Light Brigade, after 6 previous shaves, has become extremely smooth.
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