S.O.T.D. Saturday 11th Febuary to Friday 17th Febuary 2017

Mon 13th Feb

Omega s10065 Synthetic
OSP Bay Rum
Schick N3
Schick Twin [ 6 - Japan ]
Alum Rub/ Rinse off
Williams Aqua Velva A/S Lotion

Go the Twin Bladed shave planned for yesterday, which did not materialise as I loaded A single blade into the Razor by mistake. A repeat performance of last time I used one, smooth and very efficient.

The use of a Twin Blade definitely beefs up the performance of the latter Schicks ,which are a bit on the mild side when used with a single. I reckon all injector fans should try and get hold of a pack of Twins, well worth the extra expense.

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Semogue Owners Club Two Band Badger (Cherry Wood)
Razor: Merkur 34C HD
Soap: Archaic Alchemy Citrus Mint
Post: Myrsol Blue

Every time I use this soap it smells a little different, one shave I find it minty dominant and the next citrus, mint today. Not overly cold but a refreshing tingle on the skin. Between the SOC and Stirling Finest I have a new appreciation for badger brushes, I can't see them replacing boars and synthetics for me but certainly giving food for thought. My shaves with the 34C have renewed my enjoyment in the razor, getting the best shaves out of this razor I have ever had, why do we go on and buy dozens more? Persevere with technique for a few years and your bank account will thank you! But where is the fun in that...
View attachment 23548 SOTD Feb 13th 2017

Razor..Gibbs adjustable 17 (1954) set on 5
Blade.. Polsilver stainless ( Lodz) #1
Soap..Wickhams parma Violet
Brush..Shavemac. The blue one
Post..Thayers lavender AF witch hazel
Silver mountain water perfume oil.

A lovely smooth and close shave from my Gibbs paired with the wonderful Lodz Polsilver stainless blade.
A fantastic scent from this great soap.

Untill the next time.......

Monday AM 2017-02-13

Helen Chen suribachi, with electric mug warmer
Rooney 1/2 Faux Horn Finest (24mm/58mm)
Art of Shaving Sandalwood shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/UFO Tornado
Gillette Platinum 'Swede' (1)
Creed Original Santal aftershave (homemade from EdT)

The Tornado handle is just a little too heavy for me, but the great old 'Swede' blade made the shave extremely smooth. And for me Creed products have the best fragrances ever.
Pre: Gillette Series Irritation Defence Pre Shave Wash
Razor: Gillette Standard Rocket
Blade: Gillette Stainless (2)
Soap: Valobra - Patchouli
Brush: Muhle 25mm Synthetic
Post: eShave Lavender After Shave Soother


Now I know what all the fuss is with Valobra. An absolutely top notch shave from this tallow soap. The earthy undertones to the scent aren't particularly endearing, but with underlying performance like this, it's not an issue.
Good evening gents,

First time with the Revisor. I did strop it beforehand but it was still too tuggy for me. It was also very loud. I swapped it with the Michael Waterhouse.

I managed to get a few decent passes but I did catch myself, nothing major. I was going XTG and the blade skipped a little, so I had two faint bloody parallel lines near the corner of my mouth.

The soap performed well but I'm yet to dial it in.
I finished off with the Blackbird OC and Gillette 7o'clock yellow. This was a great combination with excellent results.
Finished of with Thayers witch hazel and Myrsol emulsion. The face feel is very, very good and a very close shave.

So which is your favourite out of the three?
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