S.O.T.D. Saturday 11th Febuary to Friday 17th Febuary 2017

Good evening gents,

First time with the Revisor. I did strop it beforehand but it was still too tuggy for me. It was also very loud. I swapped it with the Michael Waterhouse.

I managed to get a few decent passes but I did catch myself, nothing major. I was going XTG and the blade skipped a little, so I had two faint bloody parallel lines near the corner of my mouth.

The soap performed well but I'm yet to dial it in.
I finished off with the Blackbird OC and Gillette 7o'clock yellow. This was a great combination with excellent results.
Finished of with Thayers witch hazel and Myrsol emulsion. The face feel is very, very good and a very close shave.

++1 on the Al Rehab. Purists might find a difference between it and SMW, but side by side I can't. Silver Mountain Water lasts about 35 minutes on me...the Al Rehab I can still get at the end of the day.
SOTN 12-02-17
Coniferous Stirling Soap
Finest badger Manu Montalvo brush
Kamisori Western type Tanifuji Kent 6/8
After shave thayers Rose petals witch Hazel
Old vetiver lotion
After a long day and a short walk in the afternoon there is no such thing as a relaxing shave to sleep as a dormouse

Enviado desde la guarida del lobo estepario...
Sent from the lair of the steppe wolf...
SOTD Feb 13th 2017

Razor..Gibbs adjustable 17 (1954) set on 5
Blade.. Polsilver stainless ( Lodz) #1
Soap..Wickhams parma Violet
Brush..Shavemac. The blue one
Post..Thayers lavender AF witch hazel
Silver mountain water perfume oil.

A lovely smooth and close shave from my Gibbs paired with the wonderful Lodz Polsilver stainless blade.
A fantastic scent from this great soap.

Untill the next time.......