S.O.T.D. Saturday 11th April to Friday 17th April 2015

Thursday 16th April


Warm shower
Hot towel
B&M Bay Rum scuttle lathered
Finest Badger brush made by myself
Gillette Big Fellow Old Type (1920)
Astra SP (1)
Cold rinse
Thayers Superhazel
DR Harris Bay Rum aftershave
Prep - Shower / Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - GEM Featherweight
Blade - GEM Personna SS (#2)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Beer Soap Brewing Co. Spearmint & Eucalyptus
After - Freezer Towel / Alum
Result - BBS
Friday 17th
Razor - Murker Digress HD long handle
Blade - Wilkinson Sword (vintage made in England) (6)
Brush - L'Occitane Plisson synthetic
Soap - Le pere lucien (traditional)
Post - Speick and Geoffrey Beene Grey flannel



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Fri 17th April 2015

Omega 11137 Boar- settling down
Mitchells Wool Fat- face lathered
Ever Ready Streamline
Gem S/S [ 1 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Woods of Windsor A/S balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

Third use of Streamline this week. Gets better with use, on new Blade just about BBS, will pit against OCMM for a few days, to see what tops it for me.

Friday 17th April 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Gillette 'New'
Blade: Treet Durasharp Carbon
Brush: Duke 3
Soap: Klar Kabinett
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDP: Tom Ford Black Orchid

A lovely shave. I have never owned or even shaved with a modern all stainless DE razor the likes of Ikon, ATT, Weber etc but if they are better than a common or garden 'New' they must be one hell of a razor!



Prep: Hot wash with Pears soap.
Brush: Vie-Long Horse LEA edition.
Soap: Phoenix Gondolier.
Razor 1: ERN.
Razor 2: 1966 Gillette slim adjustable L1 #4.
Blade: Supermax Blue Diamond titanium coated. #2
Post: RazoRock Nonno Michelino.

Nice 2 pass shave with the ERN WTG & XTG very nice wee shaver no nicks or irritation. ATG pass with the Gillette adjustable with 1 nick on my chin which the styptic took care of.

Have a good day folks.

S.O.T.D. Saturday 11th April to Friday 17th

Stahly head on bulldog handle
Schick Krona (4)
Vulfix 404
Yardley shaving soap
Yardley Black Label aftershave

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