S.O.T.D. Sat 23rd Jan to Fri 30th Jan

Pre: Proraso White Sensitive Skin
Razor: PAA DOC
Blade: Wilkinson Sword (2)
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: Tiki The Captain
Post: Thayer's Cucumber Witch Hazel, Nivea Men
A/S: Floid (Black) IMG_2813.JPG
Friday AM 01-29-2016

Georgetown Pottery G12 scuttle
Shavemac 167 2-Band Silvertip (24mm/52mm)
RazoRock P160 SE shaving soap (tallow)
Delta Echo 'Stealth' Feather AS-D2/Triad 'Groove'
Wilkinson London Bridge (4)
RazoRock R160 Sweet Almond aftershave balm
friday 29/01/16: hot shower/muhle r41 ('11) with weber classic handle/vintage gillette swede (5)/simpsons pj3 2/b/tobs sandalwood/hot&cold rinse/nivea asb/no edt, the shave soap is enough

have around a 25 contemporary de razor collection, (a modest number compared to many collectors on tsr) a weekly rotation dictates that each razor is called to duty every 6 months or so and the r41 '11 is always a truly 'shocking experience' - in the best and every sense :)
But they look really good with those beautiful handles. I really fancy converting a 1914 now I have seen Yours.
They do look lovely for sure. I did enjoy using them much more with the larger handles. It just makes them that much more comfortable in hand & I think it even enhances the balance.
January 29th
I shaved with a Phoenix Acroutements DOC I recieved in a PIF, and here is my feelings on using this razor.
First off, the packaging is excellent, a sturdy cardboard box with very aesthetically pleasing graphics. The razor itself has a chrome plated zamak head with what the chrome plated brass handle has a comfortable weight. It is heavier than the original self Lubricating Razor. The DOC takes the edge on the weight issue the head is slightly different from the original in that the top cap has less grooves which makes for larger slots. The slots are longer as well. The knurling on the DOC is very aggressive giving a good grip. Both razors are great lookers. There is no problem loading a blade and it sits evenly. The original has a larger blade exposure.
The shave.
I used B&M Seville soap and face lathered with my vintage Rubberset reknotted silvertip . With the first stroke I knew the razors were different. The DOC is aggressive compared to Shave King. Not aggressive in a bad way, just very efficient. There is less lather left behind with each stroke but it's not a bad thing. My shave was excellent ending up BBS. Right now I will give the edge to the DOC. I would buy this razor. Both razors were loaded with a new Voskhod blade. I will shave with the original tomorrow using the same soap and report back tomorrow. The Razor is a keeper.
29th January 2016

Bulldog Face Wash
Saponeria Artigiana Vegetale alla Mandorla Shaving Soap
Plisson Synthetic
Face Lathered
Gillette Tech (NDC Brass) & Eversharp Super Stainless (Vintage) (3)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)


Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Pashana Original Aftershave
Dana Rapport EDT
Pashana Original Hair Tonic​

Gosh! That was a 10/10 shave!

Saponeria Artigiana Vegetale alla Mandorla is literally a phenomenal soap and coupled with a good brass pre-War Gillette Tech and a now worn in vintage Ever Sharp blade, that was a smooth and really quite wonderful shave.
Fri 29th January.
Kent Infinity Silvertex
Tabac Stick
PAL Adjustable
Schick S/S [ 3 ]
Alum Rub / Tabac A/S

Stepped up the razor a bit, by increase of aggression from a mid point to L + 1 for cheeks & neck, the back to mid point setting for lips and chin . After Two Passes all was done and dusted , and not only was the shave comfortable , but the finish was great. Wont use the phrase Dolphin Smooth , as I have not stroked one !

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Kinda wish I'd kept mine now :(
At the time I was using Personna blades and I guess that was the cause of the crappy shaves..
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