Closed Roll Up, Roll Up.... Blade Bazaar PIF!

Any chance I can get in on this PIF?

I have some blades that I don't get on with from someone else who so kindly sent me a few, and I can add these upon my return.

A quick question regarding rules.

Rather than take a pack of 5 of a particular set, that might already be there. Do I take 1 of a couple of types I think I might like. And then replace with a couple of packs I have? The packs I've got are opened (because I tried one and didn't get on with it).

Just asking as I wouldn't want to offend the person who gets it after me!
I Think the list so far stands at:

Fitz linson

Is that right?
I have posted the blades onto Helveticum as Kondor never got back to my PM.

So the list should stand as -

Fitz linson
Amazing that this is still going. Does it need topping up yet? Perhaps whoever has it could post a rough idea of range and number of blades? Happy to send reinforcements if needed.
By the time it gets to me, hopefully i'll have loads of different blades to stick in anyway.

Need to get rid of a pack of Derbys for a start
Dave said:
I'd imagine there's still quite a lot in it 49er. There was probably around 200 blades when I passed it on.

Thanks. The thing seems to be gathering blades! Wonder if it will work with £20 notes?

Swop it for some derbies...might even throw the 2-3 derby blades i have seperate from the pack of 5 as i clearly don't like them


I don't fancy your chances with £20 notes but it's a tried and tested method with derbys!