Rogues Gallery

mr..bean said:
Wow Fido, that is a great picture! You don't look old enough to have a 40 year old daughter.

Handsome family indeed.

Looks can deceive!

She's my baby. We also have daughters of 44 and 47. First dated my wife when she was 15. Our 50th wedding anniversary next year.

Wow, really! Well done old chap. A worthwhile life indeed. It is a great picture.

My nan died late last year, 2 weeks short of her 95th birthday. I asked her about a year ago whether being 94 made her feel old and amazingly she said 'no, having a daughter that is 75 makes me feel old!' Bless her.
Liked this post so time to resurrect it and put faces to the names

Show us yer bonce - Don't be shy now

This is me. Not doing my weekly shop but spending a day for my local Food bank charity helping out with donations