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In fact Donnie's parents were the complete opposite: They bought him new stuff when he got into trouble!
My personal favourite take on the Robin Hood legend is the 80's TV series,'Robin of Sherwood',as for a movie version,'Robin and Marian' with Sean Connery perhaps?...
My personal favourite take on the Robin Hood legend is the 80's TV series,'Robin of Sherwood',as for a movie version,'Robin and Marian' with Sean Connery perhaps?...
Putting Robin Hood to one side for the moment, the other film 'character' franchises that got an airing were Superman / Spiderman / Batman. The general consensus here was, why all the re-boots? I mean do the Waynes / Uncle Ben / Krypton have to keep bloody getting shot (or blown up) at the start of every film? Really?? I mean, just take it for read that most people in the audience are not complete morons and get on with it!!

I'll step off this soapbox now, the vertigo is getting to me.
I think the remakes of DC and Marvel series is firstly down to the fact that there's gold in them there hill's, massively helped by the advances in technology, mainly the CGI side of things.
A film I firmly recommend is the US remake of the German "Funny games" if that is how you like your scares it's a cult special.
On a side note, I "Hate" Star wars with a vengeance, it's not Sci fi... It just isn't ok.
Funny games?,,,IMDd page,please!.
I'm sure it's been done in one form or another many times over the years, this genre is very difficult to find something really original as with most things in life, anyone over the age of 40 will agree very little outside of technology is entirely new.

Thought the actual tension build up was put across really well with a pretty good cast apart from the child, who to be honest I could not pick out of a lineup.
I have to admit,I am a total horror film nut,longer than I care to admit too!.My earliest memory,was seeing the trailer for Hammer Studios 'Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell' at the age of 3,and saying to my parents "I WANNA SEE THAT"....LOL!.
In fact,I pestered so much,they gave in by the time I was 6-7,and let me watch whatever I wanted!,The only movies that really freaked me out as a young'un were the original TV version's of 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark',and the 'Bobby' story from 'Trilogy of Terror'....Everything else,I loved!.Especially 'Race With the Devil' (Peter Fonda),and the 1978 remake of 'Invasion of the Bodysnatcher's',starring Donald Sutherland.
My 'net' name comes from Amicus Studio's 'Dr Terror's House of Horrors'....
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I'm hesitant to say I'm a nut, but have always leaned to the darkness in my film favourites, Hammer have a lot to answer for, my childhood was filled with vampires and ungodly creations.
I guess that's why I so dislike the new movie models where they blatantly take the time honoured rules and cast them aside.
Yes I'm pointing at you "TWILIGHT".