Rate The Last Film You Watched

Caught a couple of movies this weekend;

1) San Andreas
Whilst it was "fun" to see your city, San Francisco, being obliterated by earthquakes and tsunami the overall plot of the movie was so thin that it became a rather dull watch.

2) Avengers - Age of Ultron
Not too bad. It did feel as if it went on for a bit long but overall I rather enjoyed it.
Turner. Not normally a Mike Leigh fan (see bloody depressing) but to give him credit, Timothy Spall acts his socks off.

I was worried it may have got a bit Downton in parts, but actually a surprisingly good film.
I made this thread as I couldn't find another like it on here,and I thought it might be a good idea for us to rate,and give a little review,of the last movie we watched.(and no Vinny,before you ask,I dont mean porno's) All I ask is to include the IMDb link,and try not to give away any 'spoilers',or if you are,give a 'spoiler alert' message!.

OK,I will start with....

The Green Inferno (2013)


Now,this is a modern day version of the classic Italian 'Cannibal' movies of the late 70's to early 80's,I include the likes of 'Cannibal Holocaust','Mountain of the Cannibal God','Deep River Savages','Eaten Alive','Cannibal Ferox',and the like,and it was directed by Eli Roth.
So what is it like?...Well...Not bad,but not really up to the (sick) standards of the likes of 'Cannibal Holocaust' (the fully uncut version),which IMO,is probably the best of the cannibal movies,in regards to sheer gut churning SFX,and a really depraved story line!,but it is watchable,it is fairly entertaining (if you like that sort of thing...LOL!),and the story line isn't all that bad.
The acting isnt up to much mind.The main character,a student/wannabe activist, is pretty 'wooden' to say the least,but she makes up for it later in the movie!.
There was also a few plot gaps,that were left unanswered,which really narks me at the best of times,but all in all,it wasn't a bad movie,just not as good as what has been done before!.
And the CGI is crap in some parts too!.If,like me,you were a child of the 70's/80's,who was a horror film fanatic,and you watched all the 'video nasties' pre 83,before that old hag Mary Whitehouse got them banned,or worst still,had all the 'good bits' cut out,then you will wonder what all the fuss is about,as this movie is relatively mild in comparison to most of them!.BUT,if your ideal night in,means watching 'TITANIC' with the SWMBO,be warned,you wont be seeing any 'action' once those credits roll....

All in all I give this movie a 6.5/10
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The Final Girls (2015)


This movie is a comedy/horror that gives a very large nod of the head to the 80's 'slasher' flicks,most noticeably Paramount Studios, 'Friday the 13th' franchise,but there are a few other references to more obscure 'slashers' if you know what you are looking for!.
What's it like?,well,I really enjoyed this one!,miles better than 'Wes Craven's',awful 'Scream' movies,and that's for sure!.This movie is entirely 'tongue in cheek',from start to finish.Think 'The Cabin in the Wood's',with a huge dose of humour!,and instead of encompassing the whole 'horror' genre,like TCITW,this movie concentrates on the 'slasher' movies!.
Being as this movie is a send up of the original 80's 'slasher' flicks,be prepared for really hammy acting!,but it is hammy for a reason!.
If you were a fan of Jason,Michael,Madman Marrs,or any of the 80's 'cutting crew',I HIGHLY recommend this movie!.
Also,there is virtually no visible violence,or gore,but still a great movie for fans of the genre!.Go figure!.

All in all I give this movie a solid 8/10
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The last film I watched (for the umpteenth time) was my favourite.... Ever.
Donnie Darko.
Obviously I give it 10/10.
I remember the first time I watched it. I'd never been drawn into and immersed so deeply into a film. And when it ended I had to watch it again before returning it to the rental shop, something I'd never done before or since. I had absolutely no idea what it was all about, (initially) it made no sense whatsoever. But I loved it immediately. After watching it a few more times and thanks to exploring the extras on the DVD and the Internet things started to fall into place.
Still love it to this day.

Not much of a review I know, I'm no good at that stuff!

And coincidentally Back To The Future gets a mention.
A Whisperer in Darkness (2011)


This is the second movie from the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society,(the first being 'The Call of Cthulhu'),It is made in the style of a 1930's 'film noir' movie,so it is in B&W,like its predecessor,and it is made on a budget,but although not entirely accurate to HPL's original story,it is still the best adaptation to date,and it has sound!,unlike 'The Call of Cthulhu' which,although made in 2005,is a silent,B&W 45 min short story (excellent though).
I have watched this movie at least 3 times,and each time I watch it,it seems to be even eerier than the last!.
The usual HPL shenanigans,of the 'Old One's',and things beyond our puny human comprehension,but done in such a way,it would be accessible to non HPL initiates.So,if you have not read any of HPL's work,there is still something to enjoy here!.
The acting is actually quite good on this,don't expect Derek Jacobi 'I,Claudius' style mind,but for the story,in the style it is being told,it works really well.
What is not to like about celestial crab like creatures,secret cults,occult portals to other dimensions,brain transplants,and all the rest?.

All in all....8/10
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TBH,I am a big time cult movie fan,but I just did'nt 'get' Donnie Darko....I have only ever watched it once,about 10 years ago mind.
Keep them ratings coming though!.
Nor did I. But there was something about it that made me want to find out.
And if you ever watch it again make sure it's the original not the crappy Directors cut...
OK,will do!.
The feeling I got 10yrs ago was,forgive me if I am wrong,but it was the first of the 'teen angst' movies (Twilight and loads more followed)....And I come from a generation/background that dealt with 'teen angst' with a completely different attitude than they did 10yrs ago,let alone today!....Meaning,when I was a teen,you act up,you get a kick in off your dad/stepdad,who in my case,was most happy to oblige! (he really was!...LOL!).
Maybe thats why I didnt 'get it'?????
The last film I watched was....'The Adventures of Robin Hood', starring Errol Flynn.


Why? Well me and a couple of mates were discussing over a pint and a vape, how Hollywood with such regularity can take a good story and yet make a shit film, in this case Robin Hood - and loads of shit versions. This one however is the best. The number one. By miles!! It's quite sad when the second best Robin Hood film is a piss-take - no, no, not the Costner one, Men in Tights.