Rate The Last Film You Watched

Equilibrium http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0238380/

An older one this (2002). I know some people have picked holes at this and made disparaging remarks about it being Matrix-lite. To they I say - bollocks! It may not have bullet-time, but neither has it got that smug pseudo-intellectualism. Its also got Christian Bale, pre his 80 a day Capstan Full-Strength habit kicking in, Sean Bean and the ever watchable Emily Watson.

Wachowski Sisters - Ram it!!


One of my personal favorites.
Just a little too long I found?

Definitely too long. Tarantino can definitely direct and write but he isn't nearly strict enough when it comes to the cutting room. Not seen the Hateful Eight yet but I'm guessing it involves too much dialogue, lots of swearing and an ultra-violent shootout at the finish?
Yes, but still better than Django Unchained.

In my most humble opinion.
Alice through the Looking Glass

Smashing escapism, I don't know how close to the book it is, but it was a very satisfying film, in terms of cast, acting, empathy, plot and resolution.
Gridlocked (2016)

Rather mindless watching, so-so acting and mediocre script.
I tuned out half-way in so missed a good 20-30 mins there. It was not an issue 'catching' up on the plot
I'd give it a 5/10

Is it me or do Samuel L Jackson, Anthony Hopkins, Danny Glover, De Niro & Pacino not give a stuff about the quality of what they act in these days? Add John Cusack and Nic Cage to that as well.