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The Man From UNCLE

Very enjoyable and great to look at. Anyone who likes vintage Bond style action but found the recent Bond films a little too straightlaced will enjoy this. Quips, gadgets and good old fashioned car chases aplenty.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Charming movie, Ben Stiller plays a very endearing character. The real star is the cinematography with fabulous shots of Greenland, Iceland and the Himalayas. A brilliant use of Bowie's Space Oddity. It was poignant hearing it and realising he was dead. :|
The Judge,a couple of years old but what a fantastic movie,stellar performances from Robert Downey Junior and Robert Duvall,Billy Bob Thornton also has a great role albeit a short one.Highly recommended.

Clearing off movies on the hard drive I'd recorded over Christmas - I finally watched "It's a Wonderful Life" on Friday. A very satisfying film, not half as saccharine as I expected it to be.
Just got back from the cinema to see Star Wars The Force Awakens.

Is it basically a remake of episode IV? Yes.

Is it utterly ludicrous? Yes.

Has it sensibly dropped all the worthy, humourless, 'we're really in awe of our own legend' nonsense of episodes 1-3? Mercifully, yes.

Did I enjoy it? Hell, yeah.
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The Martian - Very enjoyable. A bit ploddy in parts but worth a watch
Pixels - Adam Sandler plying the same role as always. Got slaughtered by the critics but I laughed heartily nearly all the way through. My kids loved it too.
Kingsman - Loved it. If you liked Kick-Ass, you'll probably like this.
Mad Max Fury Road
A mind-blowingly massive production that just never cools, complete action from start to finish. Not the same level of tension as in the original films but a good cast carries it well, especially that powerhouse of perfection, Charlize Theron.
George Miller's direction, minimal CGI, crazy stunts and fantastic make-up all create one mental cinematic ride. 8/10
Bit of a surprise this one. A two hour long Canadian movie set in Afghanistan focused on three men's perspective on the war.
Relatively low budget but had a lot of 'heart' and a LOT of adrenaline pumping scenes.
It was also interesting to see a Canadian take on the war efforts. Overall rather well done. I'd give it a 6.5/10.

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty
I had realised it in the last Ben Stiller movie I'd watched but he's less "Ben Stiller" now and more of an actor, if you know what I mean. I usually hate his films, mainly because of him but I enjoyed this. Fantastic cinematography, fairly good entertainment factor. 6/10

Hitman Agent 47
Not a patch on the first Hitman film. Story was really weak, interspersed with a few good fight scenes and shootouts. Would have been much better if Timothy Olyphant had just made a straight sequel. Agent 47 himself had absolutely no charisma, but at least there's a stunner to ogle at in Hannah Ware([emoji443]Do a little dance, make a little love, get d[emoji7]wn tonight).
Didn't know of her before but I shall have to get acquainted with her other movies.....even if they're complete drivel.

Might catch that .......... Haven't seen Paul Gross in anything since Due South
Creed - sort of a modern day re-interpretation of Rocky with rap and hip-hop replacing the legendary music of the original movies. Was ok, bit corny at times, never found myself rooting the same for the new, young hero like we did for Rocky back in the day.

Will never be beaten..