Putting things into perspective

My fiancee has had some ongoing problems with her throat for many years. She would get severe throat pains and inflammation, and sometimes an abscess, once a year for the last four or five years. This was attributed to quincy (not the detective) but she has had her tonsils out.
Finally, after years of visiting the GP and occasionally going to have her abscess (if it gets to that stage) drained, they decided to do a scan of her throat. The scan revealed a cist which could be tricky to operate on (potential loss of speech) but the scan also revealed a pea-sized lump in her brain.
Now Vicky had some sight problems earlier last year, in that she had a blindspot on her right eye to the side of her vision, but opticians hadn't determined a problem and had been mentioned to GP but nothing done, etc. etc. Further scans have been done and revealed that the lump in the brain is about 2cm and is/likely to increase in size, although they are slow growing. We were told that it was on the pituitary gland (right next to the optical centre) and in almost all cases these are benign, but this was only confirmed yesterday, and was obviously a relief! Surgery will be soon although they are doing tests on what hormones she is very low in and some other technical info about the tumour, and she may need radiotherapy. They will also need to look at her throat over the coming months. This all happened on Tuesday and yesterday and was obviously a massive shock and our little boy has been staying with Vic's mum as a result while I go up to the hospital each day. Yesterday it was confirmed it is benign and so she's nearly out of the woods.

ANYWAY, the long and short of it (well, long!) is that life is short and our plans to get married have been brought forward from 'maybe next year' to this year - 7th April, her 30th birthday, to be precise - so that's what this thread is for! To announce our forthcoming marriage and to reflect on how precious life is. We all know life is short and there will never be a perfect time for the Big Day so we're going for it. Our feelings for each other have never been in doubt and have never been stronger.

Thanks for sticking with this very long post!
Very true about life being too short NTS we lost our daughter aged 18 4 years ago as they say it's just as well we don't know whats coming round the corner as we would never get out of the house.

Congratulations on the wedding and hope you and Vicky have a long and happy life together and hope everything goes well for her.
I am So pleased your Lass is going to be alright...That was a terrible thing to have had hanging over your heads.....
We really squander such a lot of the time we have, until something like that comes along and gives a sense of urgency..

Congratulations and My very Best Wishes for your Wedding, and Much Happiness in your lives together.....
That great that you both have each other and that your concern for her will help her through everything.

If you're religious- St Blaise Day today . A good day to look for intercession with the throat problems.
In my experience, when something like this happens, people tend to react in one of two ways. Either they bury their heads in the sand and pretend its not happening, or they become energised and sort their priorities out. Mercifully, you and Vicky seem to be of the latter persuasion.

So the very best of luck to the both of you, and I am sure you have many, many devoted and loving years ahead.
Thanks for sharing your good news...congratulations to you both on your forthcoming wedding. Wishing your soon-to-be wife much improved health from now on. And to you both best wishes and kind regards.
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