Putting things into perspective

rangers62 said:
My sister suffered various health ailments over the years and was put down to 'Women's problems'. The long and the short of it was she was eventually diagnosed with a benign growth on her pituitary. After the initial shock, (The word 'tumour' brings absolute horror) and correct treatment she is right as rain as will your future wife I'm sure.

Best of British on your future nuptials.
Thanks rangers, and everyone else before and after. Exactly the same was diagnosed for my girlfriend after some years of this (i.e. diagnosis was along the lines of women's problems without being unnecessarily specific). We heard yesterday that she has had this slow-growing tumour for "at least ten years" and possibly "most of [her] life". I feel I have learnt a fair bit about tumours this week. Apparently "tumour" doesn't necessarily mean cancer, it just means "lump". I bet I probably was the only one who didn't know that though!

She is now on her way home now - thank God.

PS - There seems to be a few people calling me Adam and a few people calling me Carl, which is odd as I am definitely called Carl (except at the weekends, when I'm Carla :icon_surprised::s)
In the last few months my wife, Vicky, has had quite a few tests and was given some drugs which unfortunately didn't do anything to the tumour so despite its size surgery is the only option.
After an appointment for surgery last Thursday morning which, when she was there, was put back to the afternoon then finally cancelled, I've just had a text from her dad that she's in surgery now. I'm doing the school run while working from home (this isn't really work though, is it?!)
Although there shouldn't be anything to worry about I just thought I'd let everyone know in case... you know... as I probably wouldn't be on TSR for a while.
The only outstanding transaction I have is to send Isaiah53 his Chinese blades as part of the passaround and I'll do that today when I pick up the little one from school.
I wish you both all the best, please keep the faith. My brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor by the petuitary gland when he was 7. He was given 6 months to live but went on to have the second successful brain tumor removal in the country and is now 44yrs old.
Cheers. I'm not really one for public displays of emotion or bearing my soul to the world on Faceache but I do get a lot of comfort from the words of people here. So cheers all.
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