Post dental pain management

Hello guys.
I had a problematic partial tooth extraction at 11am today. The tooth snapped and he couldnt remove the root and part of the tooth. He referred me to the hospital and I need to wait for an appointment.
I am in agony right now, been taking a combo of paracetemol and ibuprofen but to be honest its just about taking the edge off. My lower lip is still numb but I am assuming this is because of the large dose of local.
Are there any stronger painkillers I can buy over the counter?

Beware of anything with codeine in. It's addictive and before you say you'll be ok, I thought the same too. It may well help though be careful with it. Seriously.
Thanks guys, as nice as it sounds whiskey isnt an option for me :( thabks also for the codine warning Gardiner I will be careful.

04.44 as I type, my lip is still numb, is this normal? Some discomfort but not as bad as yesterday.
It is also a wee bit weepy, the main concern is infection so I am using cordosyl twice a day.
Anyway thanks for the advice guys.
Codeine can also make you heavily constipated if used for any length of time. It does help with the pain quite effectively mind you, but chances are you'll be able to buy 8/500 over the counter, I was taking 30/500 given by the hospital for my post knee op pain relief :)
Let's hope you get a quick appointment and get it sorted. I once had an extraction but lost the "socket", basically the clot that filled the hole. Infection soon set in and it HURT. They did something and sent me off with 250mg penicillin. Couple of days later and loads of pain killers and it was fine.
Keep doing what you're doing, Codeine doesn't generally help dental pain. Things should start to subside during today as things settle. The numbness could be prolonged anaesthesia from the local or be caused by inflammation around tooth compressing the nerve, again this should gradually subside.
Paramol is one of the strongest painkillers to buy OTC. Like others have mentioned it contains a form of codeine and you need to check with the Pharmacist if its fine to take with any current meds. Otherwise a trip to the Doctors for stronger painkillers.
What Nishy said! Forget about addiction and deal with the pain. Don't wait to get constipated because you will be - unless you start taking laxatives as soon as you start codeine. Two 30/500 up to four times a day - and no more - is pretty powerful without affecting your abilities to operate heavy machinery - but perhaps not for a day or two!

Let's hope you get an early appointment! Ouch!
What Nishy said! Forget about addiction and deal with the pain. Don't wait to get constipated because you will be - unless you start taking laxatives as soon as you start codeine. Two 30/500 up to four times a day - and no more - is pretty powerful without affecting your abilities to operate heavy machinery - but perhaps not for a day or two!

Let's hope you get an early appointment! Ouch!
I munched on dried apricots when I was taking the stuff and it prevented any problems

My dentist booked me into the hospital as a pre-emptive measure as she said an extraction was complicated due to a twisted root. At this point in time the tooth was causing little or no pain. As is often the case a 3 month wait was required. After 2 months the pain started and lets say 'throbbing like b*****y' was an accurate description. I actually got on the phone to the hospital and after explaining about the pain was given a spare cancelled appointment within a couple of days.
thanks guys, i actually have some co-codemol that i was prescribed a few months back, they are still in date so I tried a couple this morning. It worked for a couple of hours but the pain is back and still 2 hours before i can take any more. Anyone know if you can take ibuprofen with co-codomol?
Sean my dentist did say the tooth root was caught on someting so I am assuming it could be a twisted root.
I have an apointment with my gp for an unrelated issue next week so if the pain is still as bad i may ask for something stronger.

The whole process to get a hospital appointment is unfortunately a tedious paper chase. Dentist sends letter to NHS local funding body, who then send letter to hospital, who then send another letter to you.

If the pain gets too much, particularly with Xmas coming up, see if your dentist or GP can leverage matters
Corsodyl is a good mouthwash for post surgery and a couple of drops of clove oil in water for a gargle has both antiseptic and anaesthetic properties. It's used in dental mouthwashes and is usually included in Emergency Dental Travel kits. It has the advantage of being fine to use with painkillers and, whilst temporary, really works. It can 'burn' gums if applied directly apparently but I've never had a problem with it. It's about a quid from the chemists for 10ml.
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